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I felt something shift in the wakfu currents.


Yugo didn't respond. I couldn't feel him near me anymore. Panic caused my heart to quicken. But I pushed it aside calming myself.


You don't have to yell

I sighed with relief.

We're are you?

What do you mean?

Did yugo not sence the distance? Of course he wouldn't have thought of it.

Yugo, open your eyes

Silence. I heald my breath steadying my heart again.

Yugo were are you?

I said slowly. I needed to know I he had gotten himself stuck somewhere. Weather it be in the wakfu currents or-

A-ad,I think I found it, I think I found our world...

I froze. What?

What do you mean?


Someone jerked me, making my open my eyes. And losing my focused connection.

"Yugo!" I shout before I could lose the connection fully.

"Adami, we're yugo?"

I turn to Dally full of anger.

"I had him! Until you made me lose my focus!" I snapped.

Everyone flinched.

"What do you mean?" Evangeline asked next.

I sighed.

"Yugo went through a portal to our relm, but thanks to you I don't know were that is!"

I stood walking away.

"Adami, we have to stick together!" Evangeline shouted.

I shook my head and continued to walk away. Sudden tears prick my eyes so I stopped. I took a shaky breath like I always do.

"Set tour emotions aside...Set your emotions aside..."

Tears ran down my face.

"Set...your emotions aside." I repeated again choking on the words. My knees buckled beneath me.

"Set-" I could hold it anymore. I had just gotten my brother back. My actually brother. The brother I flew around with...the brother I wanted to come back to for so long...I covered my face as the tears flowed. I had not cried this hard since I'd left. All the guilt came back again. Consuming me. A gental hand touched my shoulder. I stayed still.

"Adami?" Amalia said softly. I slowly lowered my hands looking down at them.

"It's my fault..." I finally admitted.

Amalia took a shaky breath.

"We can still get him back-"

"Why do you care." I snapped turning to look at amalia. Her eyes brimed with tears as well.

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