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104 veiws?! Thank you you guys so much!!!!! I honesty didn't think people would read this😅 but thank you so much!


I stepped through hesitantly, looking around. Everything looked the same, just as I had left it.

"Hello?" I called.

No one replied. We're were the children?

"Hello?" I called louder.

No reply. We're was Balthazar?

"Balthazar? Anyone!"

Something was wrong. I ran forward speeding to another planet. Nothing. Fear pulled me to search faster, search harder. We're were they? Did something happen? There were no battle marks anywhere. My voice started to go raw from calling and shouting so I stopped, But kept on searching. Searching for any desperate clue. My fear was replaced with dread now. Pulling every emotion at once, draining me.

"Yugo!" Amalia called, breaking my consuming thoughts.

I must have been searching for hours. So I silently sped to her, with a heart full of fear, panic, and anger.

"What's wrong?" Amalia asked as I landed.

"T-there gone..." I whispered, with shock.

"Gone? Have you searc-"

"I've searched everywere!" I snapped.

Amalia flinched from my outburst. I sighed looking away.

"I'm sorry...I just..."

I needed them to be ok, but I didn't even know were they were.

"They could be hurt somewhere, and I can't help them! They rely on me and I cant-I cant-"

I couldn't breath as anxiety washed over me, cutting off my air. Arms wrapped around me as I gasped for air.

"Breath yugo..."Amalia said slowly.

I took a shaky breath, holding on to her. Tears forming.

"I was afraid I would fail-"

"You did not fail them." Amalia said softly.

"How do you know that..."

"Because I know you, Yugo... you will do everything to save them. That's how you naturally are. You know risks but you still did them...you saved everyone because of that. "

I took more shaky breath, not letting go of Amalia. Amalia did the same, which made my heart flutter.



"I'm scared, Amalia." I finally confessed.

Amalia leaned back looking into my eyes with passion.

"Your not alone, Yugo. You never were."

More tears fell but Amalia softly brushed them away.

"Thank you, Amalia..." I whispered, feeling her hands against my face.

She slowly wrapped me into a hug again which helped my breathing became more even, making my thoughts clearer. Which made fear gripped at me again.

"Were are the dofus's!" I gasped pulling away from her.

I didn't want to, but I didn't want to fail-

"There safe, yugo."

I still wasn't convince, so I stepped pasted her twords the portal. But she grabbed my hand, stopping me.

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