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Apologies guys 😅, I had major writers block for a while-But now I got some awsome ideas😎. Enjoy!


This ship was nothing I could imagine. The technology rushing past us that glowed red with symbols. The halls that made no sense. It was almost to much.

"This way." Issac whispered, taking another sharp turn.

"Why can't I just fly us there? It's much faster-"

"It's too -stop."

He stopped before an opening almost making me run into him.

"Little more heads-"

"Shhh" Issac hissed, "Listen."

Clink clink clink

Issac didn't move as we waited for the thing to pass, then move forward again turning right.

"My flying isn't loud if that's what your worried about." I replied still keeping my voice low.

"They can hear the wind."

"Hear the wind? If they can here the wind, they can here us talking!" I snapped still keeping my voice low.

"Just trust me" Issac replied, slowing down to another stop.

I heald back a long sigh. This was taking to long.

"This way-"

"How big is this ship?" I interrupted.

"Well...I don't know, I-I haven't seen the entire ship."

"I thought you knew what could help us!" I hissed.

"I do! It's around here...somewere..."

I groaned with frustration.

"You know what, I'm just going to fly." I growled.


Spreading my wings I grabbed Issac and shot down the hall.

"You don't understand! They will find us! They can hear quick movement!"

"That doesn't make-"

Red lights suddenly flared with a siren making my ears ring.

"They found us..." Issac muttered trembling.

"Not if they can catch us," I retored taking another turn. "Were is this thing that is going to help us."

"It's-it's a panel room, it's what controls all the rooms, I think I can find your friends on there with your help."

"We just need to find it-"

Clink clink clink clink clink

The hall filled with rushing large clicking noises of stomping feet causeing an echo in every direction.

"There!" Issac shouted, pointing twords a door.

Dashing forward I slammed against it and broke it open.

"There! We have to be fast."

I nodded setting him down and watch Issac pushed buttons and levers, turning cameras that covered the wall.

"What do I need to help with?" I asked, as his fingers continued to fly across the desk.

"When we find them, I need you look for a button or lever of some kind that will open there cages."

I noded looking around the room and groaned. Of course there was going to be walls of levers, buttons and screens.

Clink clink clink clink

I whipped around towards the broken door hearing them get closer.

"Have you found them yet!" I shouted.

"No! I need more time!"


"I'm trying!"

"Try faster!"

Clink clink clink clink

They were coming down the hall. Stepping forward I lifted the door and heald it against the doorway and braced for impact.

Clink clink SLAM

I grunted bracing the door with my shoulder now.

Clink clink SLAM

"I found them! You have the control?"

"I have the door!"

Clink clink SLAM

I greeted my teeth feeling my hands warm making the metal red.

"Issac! Come here and hold the door, I think I can seal it with fire!"

Issac hesitated comeing forward but bracing the door, then nodded.

Clink clink SLAM

The door bent from impact. I had to be fast. Slowly stepping back, I let a flame dance my hand.

Clink clink SLAM

Issac grunted but heald steady, so not waiting any longer I began to seal the side of the door.


"Done." Adami breathed out.

Finally I slid to the floor rubbing my shoulder. It hurt from the constant-

Clink clink SLAM

Startled, I jumped up away from the door.

"W-will it hold?" I asked, feeling my legs continue to shake.

Adami didnt respond, but instead turned back to the screens.

"Thanks for the comfort..." I muttered. "That's them, right?" I said louder.

Adami nodded, turning the wall of levers and buttons.

"What am I looking for?" Adami asked stepping forward.

"Look for the word release, or cage, or-"


"Probably, though I don't know what number your friends are in."

He stepped forward raising his hand for a lever.

"Then we will free everyone."

Without waiting for a response he pulled every lever in that row and watching as the machine started to clink with turning peices.

"I think it worked." I said looking at the cameras.

The hall was filled with people and animals now, all looking confused. Looking at the controls I pressed the speaker button.

"Escape! There are exits down the hall!"

I looked over at adami who was already pressing buttons.

"They are escape ships that will levitate you back to-"

All systems suddenly blackened leaving us in the dark. No-no-no!

"What happened?" Adami asked coming closer to me.

Frantically I pushed buttons trying to get the power back on.

"This happened last time-they are redirecting the power which means there going to lock down everything...and send more reinforcements"

"How long do we have?"

A shiver ran down my spine as hissing flooded the room.


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