Solar has awaken!!(Short Chapter)

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From chapter 3:

the both elderly were shocked and furious, Lunar wanted hurt Hali or more than just the word 'hurt' but the both of them promised not to, the both eldest sighed and then Gempa said, "Look Duri its not your fault Solar was stabbed, it was his choice to protect you-" "well he wouldn't be in the hospital if I was looking.." "Greenbean dont blame yourself"Lunar sighed and hug Duri thightly.

Present :

Duri was now crying himself out until someone busted through the door, "Solar's awake!"Taufan informed, Gempa looked at Lunar and Duri who was still crying himself out and told Taufan they'll be there in for minute, Taufan nodded the entered and closed the door.

"uhm..who is this guy? And How's Duri going?"Taufan asked, "He's alright and this your long lost eldest brother Lunar"Gempa sighed, Taufan was confused.

"huh? What?"Taufan still had the weird amd confused face on him, Taufan Decided to leave, leaving only the three again.

Meanwhile with Taufan
My first, first person in the story:

I left Duri's room and decide to visit Solar.

I was half way to the infirmary when all of the sudden, I felt My shoulder got bumped, it was Halilintar well of course I can't get mad at him, he's just happy and excited to see Solar all alive and awaken. I softly smiled.

Well of course I was also surprised on his actions and behavior being like this for once.

I reached the infimary and entered, also yes I did see Ais, Api, and Halilintar around Solar, I walked towards My youngest brother.

"how are you Lamphead?"I asked, "Im fine Balloon"Solar replied in return, "where's Gempa?"Solar asked Me, I didn't want to lie to him, "He's with Duri and with some guy who Gempa told me it was our long lost brother named Lunar, the exact opposite of you"I explained, all of them gave Me confused looks, "hey don't give me those weirdest looks."

"so how's Duri..?"I was shocked on his question I didn't want to lie or tell the truth neither.. I gave up and answered, "he's fine but I still dont know if his wound if okay but dont worry! His alright!"

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