Your kids names:)

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Yep, I'm positively bored and have nothing better to do with my time:)
This is supposed to be after the island (Simon is still alive because I don't think I could cope without him) when you are all grown up:)

Ralph: You have two boys and a girl

Thomas (Tom)

Tom is the oldest and Peter is the middle two years younger that Tom. Jody is the youngest and is three years younger than Peter.

I feel like Ralph would definitely make sure all the children did well and he'd definitely be a supportive dad and would love to watch them grow up.

He would definitely have a book filled with important dates.

And there would be a firm set of rules laid down.

Jack:  You would have twins. A girl and a boy.

Agatha and Andrew.

Agatha would be older and definitely would have that as a strong point on why she is better than Andrew.

Jack would make them go to scouts and brownies or just youth club for skills so that if they ever where to get stuck on an island (ahem ahem) they would be able to lead everyone and of course eat.

Simon: You'd have four girls and he'd love each and every single one of them to bits.

Elizabeth (Beth) would be the oldest by a year. Then there would be Katherine (Kathy). A year later Bonnie (I can't think of a nickname but if you can insert it here) came. Then the littlest of two years younger would be Mary-Lou. (Little Lou).

Simon would honestly be the BEST dad ever. He'd do every thing in his power to make sure his girls were ok:)

I think that he'd introduce them all to books and of course chameleons. They'd all have one each:)

Short again! Sorry! If you have anything to request please send me a message:)
Sorry if any of your names where in there they are just my favourite names ever! I like George and Saoirse and Isobel and Ashleigh and Isla too but I couldn't put them in there as I didn't have room and I'd feel like I was talking about some one I know as those names are my friends names apart from George which is my cat's name although I do know a George but anyways!  What is your favourite name?


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