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The morning had passed very fast. Sonic had used his speed to tend to crops as Silver busied himself with washing and feeding the farm animals kept in the back area to avoid crops being trampled or eaten. Sonic leant against the fence as Silver scrubbed the small pig that had been placed in a large bucket of soapy water.

"Sonia, if you don't mind me asking, are you perhaps trans-female?" Silver abruptly asked.

Sonic's heart dropped. A pang of nervousness pulsed in his chest as his heart rate quickened. The sickness pooling in his stomach also made itself known. Silver had helped Sonic a lot. He wouldn't be so judgemental, right?

Before Sonic had even processed his response, his mouth opened and he unravelled like string. "Well, no not exactly..." He hesitantly stated, his feminine voice now breaking. "I'm not actually female... or trans-female. I'm male." Silver looked back up at Sonic, mouth agape. "Wow, coulda fooled me." Silver chuckled "How do you make such a female voice?" Sonic shrugged "I just kinda learned to mimick my sister."

Silver then tilted his head "Why are you posing as a girl anyway?" "Oh, well..." Sonic bit his lip, lifting his arm up and scratching it to reveal his lapiz pelt. "People are hunting me for it." He explained, referring to the lapiz patch "I have no idea why, but apparently lapiz fur is rare and is only naturally found in my childhood kingdom." Silver nodded along, eyes locked on the blue patch.

"I would have never expected this..." The ivory hedgehog whispered to himself. Sonic just nodded "I understand if you want to kick me out or what ever you see as fitting." Silver just shrugged "I don't see why I would do such a thing; you are simply just trying your best to survive in a terrible world. What is your real name?" "Sonic." Sonic smiled, he was happy to hear his real name for once.

"Are you comfortable with me telling my husband?" Silver asked. Sonic nodded "I will need the weird gold stuff I use on hand incase anyone enters the house though. We will need some form of alert." Sonic stated. Silver smiled "Yes, that would be needed. Your speed would be of help and your armour will cover most of your body!" Silver clapped his hands in excitement. "We better tell Mephiles! Maybe he has some form of solution for the gold mixture you use - he was a painter before he settled into farm life." He explained


Mephiles just stared blankly at the lapiz hedgehog - who had taken a bath and removed the contacts and clothes. "Thought so." He simply stated, sipping his tea. "What do you mean?" Sonic asked. Mephiles just shrugged "your features are rather masculine, no matter how much eyeliner you put on." Sonic blushed from embarrassment. "Do you think anyone has noticed?"

Mephiles just shrugged once again "If they have, they may just assume you're trans-female. I did until a few minutes ago." Sonic scratched the back of his head, concern written on his face. "I don't want people to think I'm part of a community if I'm not. It's wrong." He muttered.

"Well, I could help with that." Mephiles suddenly stated "I can show you a few tricks I learned while painting to give off a more feminine face, that corset does you alright shape-wise." Sonic smiled "Really?" Mephiles nodded, face still emotionless.

Sonic was starting to notice similiar behavior between the two brothers.

"Oh and don't worry!" Mephiles called as he began to walk away "My brother is attracted to males." Sonic sighed, could these people not understand the amazement of finding someone with matched abilities previously seen as one of a kind?

Why was curiosity about an equal seen as liking them anyway? The two weren't red, stuttering messes by eachother, - unless you want to count Shadow's streaks and Sonic's terrible pronunciation of some words - they were friends. Friends who understood eachother.

"I'll also see what I can do about that powder dilemma aswell." Mephiles added before shutting the door to his office.

The dark-cyan-streaked hedgehog seemed to be blunter than his brother. He also seemed careless and lazy to some extent. A suprisingly calm aura about him coensided with his half-asleep gaze. No wonder he wasn't a knight like his brother.

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