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 Tawn was showing her students the crustaceans and creatures in the sea. She showed them the little starfishes and crustaceans.

"This is a gill mantle. You may see them on your parents' back after a long day of hunting. That is because it allows you to breath longer underwater," Tawn said, holding the creature in front of the kids.

They touched it and petted the fish, giggling to their friends.

"Who wants to try these?" Tawn asked the group.

A few hands shot up eagerly, making Tawn grin at her children enthusiast, "okay, how about you, Pxango?" Tawn chose.

The young warrior swam eagerly to Tawn, "is it going to hurt?" the boy asked.

"Of course not, sweetie. It's going to tickle, though," she joked, easing the boy's worry, "okay, I'm going to place it onto your back. Is that alright, Pxango?"

Pxango took a deep breath before nodding.

Tawn smiled reassuringly at the boy and placed the gillmantle on his back. When it was correctly placed, both of them demonstrated how it worked to the group.

"Okay, now let's head back to the shore. Your parents must be waiting for you," Tawn announced, pushing the kids towards the shore.

It was midday. They've been out the whole morning, spending their time in the sea, so the children must've been exhausted.

Tawn watched the children excitedly tell their day to their parents. She smiled fondly at the scene. She loved knowing she made them that excited for pandora's wildlife and offerings. She was happy to be able to teach young minds to respect Eywa's creations.

She watched them momentarily before noticing Pxago still there, looking around like a lost child.

"Pxago? Where are your parents?" Tawn asked, walking towards the boy.

Pxango looked at Tawn with wide eyes before saying, "oh, they were busy. My uncle promised to pick me up today," he said excitedly.

Tawn offered him a kind smile, "well, why don't we wait for your uncle here?" Tawn said, sitting on the sand.

Pxango did the same, still with a broad smile on his face.

"You were courageous today, a true fit for a warrior," Tawn said, wanting to take his mind off his late uncle.

Pxago nodded, "of course I am. I wanted to be like my dad and uncle, true brave metkayinan warriors to protect my younger brother," he said excitedly.

Tawn giggled at his enthusiasm, "well, it is an honour to teach a soon-to-be the best metkayina warrior of all times," she said, "don't tell your olo'eyktan about that." She teased, putting her index finger in front of her lips in a shushing motion.

Pxago laughed at Tawn mocking the olo'eyktan.


The both of them turned towards the sound. Tawn watched as a 10'6 man walked towards them briskly.

"Zovi!" Pxango greeted, running up to him.

Tawn stood up and walked towards Pxango and his uncle. She secretly studied the huge man; he was taller than Jake and larger in proportion, like Tonowari. He was a decorated warrior, and yet she never saw him before. The mark of a warrior on his forehead ran down to his left cheek, his biceps and then on his back. It was large and looked painful. 

Tawn was pulled out of her reverie by a loud cough from the man. Her face warmed because she was caught checking him out, "oh hello, my name is Tawn'kiri. Everyone here calls me Tawn," she introduced herself.

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