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Giggles and squeals filled their secret place. The darkness of the night allowed the bioluminescent plants to shine, adding to their ambience.

The couple decided to take time away from the kids. They were enjoying their time alone together without any distractions.

The two started their date night with a little flying session with Bob, where Jake took her to watch the amazing pandora coastline at night. Everything seemed to be brighter at night, making her feel like she had fallen deeper in love with her home, Pandora.

Her eyes trailed over the awa'atlu marine life. The glow of the bioluminescent trails that the fish left at its wake entranced her, she was captivated by the swirls and ripples of the algae. Tawn was used to seeing it from the ground that she didn't realise how beautiful it was looking at it from a different angle.

The constellations and stars were the main attraction to her, she had never been that close to the stars before, but they looked attainable. 

Now that the sky had cleared up, she could see them perfectly. They littered the sky of Pandora, lighting the night with their radiance, reminding her of the dots she had on her body. 

The thought of having a part of the universe on her body was so enthralling to her. It didn't make her feel inferior. On the contrary, she felt more connected with Eywa.

During their flying session, Jake wouldn't stop showing off his skills and tricks that he had learned for years and, as much as she was proud of him, after every trick that he pulled, Tawn was left nauseous because of the sudden spins and twists.

Jake being himself, was laughing his ass off at her shrieks and yells. He decided to stop when he could clearly hear her gag warning him that she would throw up any second now. He was romantic that way.

Then after the flying session, Jake took her to their secret spot, wanting to be alone with her for a little longer.

He wouldn't take a risk on their perfect night since he hadn't spent alone time with Tawn for days now. It didn't help that his kids had been hogging his woman to themselves that he couldn't even kiss her properly without one of his kids complaining about it.

They were lying on the glowy ground. Tawn had her head on Jake's bicep while her hands played with his other hand on her stomach.

The opening between the trees gave them an unobstructed view of the constellations. They were the only ones there. The only thing that could be heard besides themselves was the occasional splashing of the freshwater fishes and the buzzing of the insects.

The atmosphere was calm and comfortable.

"Which one is earth?" Tawn asked, her fingers sliding between his. The difference between their anatomy made it easy for his whole hand to cover hers, enveloping her hand with his warmth.

Jake hummed before pointing at one of the stars with the hand behind her head, "there, earth."

Tawn closed one of her eyes to focus on where his finger was pointing at, "all of it looks exactly the same. How did you know for sure that it is earth?"

"I learned about it with Grace. She had this telescope that could see earth from this distance," he was glad he didn't block out all Grace's lectures.

Tawn nodded, impressed at her man, "do you have animals? Trees?"

Jake sighed, "we had those things before, but now they were all endangered, or some even went extinct hundred years ago."

Tawn frowned. She couldn't imagine pandora without its nature and creatures. They were a part of the balance, Eywa's creation tried to protect. "How did that happen?"

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