Mr Wheezy

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Mr Wheezy and King Dice went to a nearby bar. Mr Wheezy drank and looked at King Dice concerned "Are you sure you can handle drinks?". King Dice drank a whole bottle of wine and became more addictive. Mr Wheezy was shocked that King Dice drank more than 10 bottles. "Oh Wheez*hic* why are you so *hic* funny". Mr Wheezy was annoyed but also knew this was gonna happen. He picked up King Dice and walked to his house and put him to bed. The next day, King Dice woke up feeling drousy and dizzy "Where am I?" . King Dice walked out of the room and saw Mr Wheezy with a apron. "Hey! Your finally awake. I made eggs for breakfast. Just sit down in the table and the eggs will be ready for a few minutes. King Dice sat down and felt a pounding in his head" Ughh my head hurts". Mr Wheezy put a plate of eggs on the table"Told ya, you couldn't handle the drinks, you've done and said stupid things while you were drunk". King Dice took a bite of the Egg and wanted" I didn't know you could cook, what have you been doing the last 3 years? ". Mr Wheezy ate his eggs and turned on the television" Ever since I left the job, I wanted to start a new life. I bought a apartment and learned how to cook well. Chips and I are still friends and we have eachother'a numbers. Ever since he got married, I was alone". King Dice patted his shoulder" hey maybe I can be here for you". Mr Wheezy drank his milk and put his glass in the sink" I guess you can stay here for a while".

In Hell

The Devil is still devistated and finding out ways to get King Dice back in his life. Evil and Vile gave Devil a newspaper of a show that's in town. "Maybe this will cheer me up"He said as he got up and turned to his human disguise.

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