The Station

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You and Chishiya successfully managed to throw together some form of breakfast, various fruit things being mixed along with some packaged pancakes that you were sure had been stolen from a military base.

You had eaten in silence, although it wasn't awkward. You couldn't help the way you blushed every time you would look towards him only to see him staring right back at you.

You felt embarrassed every time your face flushed a shade of red, it wasn't often you were in a space like this alone with him but it was something you could get used to.

"What are you staring at?" He asked, his voice sounded annoyed but you had learned the difference between that of his curiosity and the at of his annoyance.

You straightened your back, narrowing your eyes at him. "You."

"Why?" He pushed his plate back, turning his attention to the glass of water he had poured.

"Because." You shrugged, not entirely sure why yourself.

"Focus on your own food, you're weird." He scoffed, his demeanour shifting back to how he was days ago.

You couldn't help but let the sudden change hurt, it was something you should be long used to but you never could adjust to his fluctuating moods. "Why do you call me things like that?"

"Oh come on don't be so sensitive." He scoffed rolling his eyes as he cleaned he stood, picking his plate up in the process.


"It's not being sensitive Chish, you give me whiplash. It's a genuine question." You watch his hands work, his thin long fingers working fast as he cleans.

You were sure your question was going to go unanswered, especially with the addition of the nickname that he would most definitely protest at some point when he suddenly cleared his throat, making you jump a little. "Did we not discuss this last night."

"We did but is it bad that I want more?" You sighed, resting your head against your hand.

"What we want doesn't always come to us in the way we would like, I'm going to get prepared to leave, we should head out soon if you're still planning to bother me." And with that, he was gone. Empty bag in hand as he shuffled around the small house, gathering whatever it was that he deemed necessary leaving you with nothing but your own swirling tornado of embarrassment and disappointment.

Within an hour you were both ready, dressed in warmer clothes but still adamant about wearing his jacket, you wanted to pull him up on the momentary smile he wore when you came into his eyesight but you didn't, pushing too much would only ruin the progress you had made with him.

"Ready?" He mumbles, pulling open the door.

You step outside, the air is fresh but not cold. "So the station."

"We should still take back roads, I don't trust that there aren't people here who would try to stop us." He said placing a hand to your back to guide you through the small alley. "I think if we don't take too many breaks then we could make it by tonight."

"W-what do we do if we don't?" It's pathetic honestly, the way you are a stumbling mess the second he gives you any kind of affection but you're past the point of trying to seem anything other than yourself.

He looked over to you. "We won't."

The alley was short and narrow but you made it through onto a street you hadn't seen before, the level of overgrowth from the plants and the decay of buildings around being more severe than you remember it being just the night before.

"You noticed it too?" You feel strangely comforted that he looks just as confused as you do.

You agree. "Yeah, it's like it's aged ten years in the last night alone."

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