Old friends.

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Sleep hadn't been something you could grasp much of over the course of the night, every time you rolled over you woke up, worried about hurting Chishiya.

Chishiya had groggily asked if you were in pain but you simply brushed his worries off, silently laughing at the man who once claimed to dislike you in every way possible worrying about a meagre bullet graze.

You spent most of the day alone, Chishiya only rousing as the sky became a dusky gold. "You didn't wake me."

"I figured you needed rest." You mumbled, spooning canned fruit into two separate bowls. "You should be in bed."

He hobbled slowly over to the chair, sitting down with a groan. "It's fine, exercise helps."

"You'll rip your stitches open." You argued back, sliding the bowl across the table along with a spoon.

"Here I thought I was the doctor." He attempted a laugh foregoing it when it sounded more like a cry of pain. "I will go back to bed after this."

"Thank you." You hid your smile behind your spoon. "Did yo-

The door knocking cut you off, your eyes widening. "Who?"

"I don't know." He whispered. "The window, check out the window, stay low." He instructed.

Wordlessly you slipped from the chair, crouching low as you peeled back the curtain just a fraction, your body going ecstatic with joy at the sight of the people outside the door. "Oh my god."

You ignored Chishiya's questions of "who" and "what" as you tumbled over yourself in a rush to open the door.

"Fuck I'm so glad to see you." You were pulling Kuina and An into your arms ignoring the slight shooting pain the action sent tingling down your arm. "How are you here right now?"

"Someone got a message to us that Chishiya had been hurt, didn't take us long to find the place after it happened." An examplained. "Where is he?"

"Through here." You guided them through the house, Chishiya making a sound of surprise at the sight of them both.

"Why are you here?" He scowled, pushing away his empty bowl.

"Oh, my dearest friend how I missed you." Kuina laughed, relaxing into the empty seat. "You got hurt."

"Attacked but I'm fine." He rolled his eyes, making to stand only to collapse back in his chair with a groan. "Fuck."

"Let me have a look." An offered. "You know I know how to deal with injuries."

"I'm fine YN stitched me up."

"Thought you said I wasn't a doctor." You interrupted, the fight from Chishiya fading as he noticed the serious look in your eye. "Just please let her look."

"Fine only if it gets you to shut up about it." He spits, you try not to feel sad at the way he returns to being spiteful as soon as there are others around you but you can't help it, a subtle frown fitting over your face.

You sit at the table as An and Chishiya disappear towards the bedroom, Kuina waiting until they are both out of sight to talk to you. "How are you? Has he been treating you okay?"

"He's been fine, I don't know why he's acting like this now. We've been through a lot, when the shooting happened my arm got hurt, just a bullet graze." You added at the newfound worry in her look. "But he took care of me, he was kind, we spoke, grew closer."

"So you're okay?" She asks again, just for good measure.

You muster a smile. "I'm okay. What about you?"

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now