Chapter 2

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"We have a problem."

I love Lindsay. She could have said, "You have a problem," but she includes herself in the mess that's about to fall on me in a moment.

"Like, I snagged my tights or like the seam of my jeans burst and my thong is showing?"

"Like having a stomach bug in the middle of traffic."

That's serious, it's one minute to midnight for a pretty princess.

"Should I sit down?"

"Yes. I nearly fell off my chair, well, I forgot to lock the tilt, but that's not the point. I have a new program. Since it's complicated, technical, and confidential, I won't waste your time explaining how it works, but I have a lead."

"You have photos of the twins!"

"No, it's... no. Actually, no, I can't find anything showing the twins together. Data has indeed been modified, but not everywhere, there are residual traces. To get more information, it's up to you as a CID agent. On April 14th, 2019, I have a member of the National Guard, from the 27th Infantry Brigade in Syracuse, who was discharged. The day before, three soldiers were hospitalized, for various injuries sustained during training according to the official report. The medical reports are telling: broken legs and arms, perforated eardrums, cracked ribs. Well, you might say it happens, sometimes we push our limits during training. The injuries differ for the three men, except for one, which indicates the presence of blood in the urine and intra-testicular hematomas."

"They got hit in the balls!"

"Exactly. This soldier was targeted by other members of the Brigade. I found a photo, it's... one of the two. On the same day, I have photographic evidence of the presence of the other one in Garoua, Cameroon, in a joint mission against Boko Haram. You'll need to search through the archives of the 10th Mountain Division that operated there."

"I'll dig around Fort Drum, it's just a few hours away. So, both of them were part of the same regiment, here in New York."

"That seems to be the case. You need to find soldiers who remember them, I'll send you the information on the three soldiers who got hit in their misplaced manhood. You'll know how to convince them to tell you what really happened. As for Florida, I have nothing on the girls. And their father, honestly, even I would have executed him. He was a world-class jerk. I'm still piecing together their story, but they disappeared off the radar before Christmas 2019. I have two people who went missing shortly after the mission in Cameroon. The photograph shows a smiling young woman, just like in your photos."

"Thank you, Lindsay. I'll discuss this with Martin to see what he thinks. If he refuses, I think it will be time for me to consider a career change."

"You're thinking of leaving the CID?"

"Yes, if necessary. The First Lady could probably help me join the Secret Service. I'd just ask her to give me time to investigate the Porter sisters. Otherwise, I have other options."

"I'm still in contact with her. Do you want me to feel it out?"

"No, thank you. I need to assess which field of action would give me the most freedom. Maybe the CIA? That way, I could stay in Burlington."

"Whatever you decide, know that you have my support. I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Lin. Kisses."

I head down to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea before going back upstairs and sitting by the window, gazing at Julia's grave. I wonder what else she was hiding from me, why she didn't fully confide in me. Was she playing with my emotions or was she sincere in her feelings, her plans, our plans? At the same time, if she gave me her money, it meant she genuinely cared about me. Otherwise, she would have given it to her sister. Unless they were estranged? No, they were part of the same unit. It's my mind getting muddled.

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