Chapter 11

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The following weeks were a period of intense preparation. In one of the vacant rooms, we trained every day to maintain our physical fitness, focusing on combat and fitness. It was through this training that we grew closer. We now knew each other's physical strengths and weaknesses, and we learned to fight as a duo. Without a specific attack plan, we were ready to improvise as circumstances demanded.

The days passed quickly, and we helped others on the base, performing all sorts of tasks, from painting to clearing snow from the runways. We were living out Julia's dream of being a couple on the base, right to the end. Our marriage proposal surprised and embarrassed the chaplain, as marriages were particularly rare in McMurdo, and we were two women. Nevertheless, given the unique nature of Antarctica, he agreed to marry us, even if we were dressed in our extreme cold-weather gear. It was -23°C outside, without wind, and -40°C with wind chill. Although the event remained confidential on the base, the witnesses present were able to testify, and it was officially recorded in the church's registers. For me, it didn't matter what others thought; I was now married to Dee. Her tears were her own, not Julia's, and her lips on mine after receiving the chaplain's blessing expressed her own happiness. Her smile during the congratulations and at the meal with our friends was hers, the radiant smile of Dee. Dee was glowing, her eyes sparkling with joy.

The season was changing, and the flights were becoming more frequent. We encountered familiar faces and had to explain our activities once again. Congratulations for our marriage poured in. Dee was radiating with pride, and through her glances and attitude, I could see how important it was to her. We were now married, and the Antarctic chapter in our lives was becoming more and more real.

Dee worked at the power plant and factory, gradually taking on the responsibility for these roles and asserting herself with confidence. As for me, I soared through the sky each day alongside Dee, my binoculars glued to my eyes, searching for any vessel that had no business being there. Icebreakers and exploration ships had grown accustomed to our daily aerial presence. We had spent three months living as a couple, building strong friendships with the base personnel. What Dee's sister had hoped for us to experience, we were now fully embracing. Nothing was simulated anymore; our behavior was natural. Amid stolen kisses, serious discussions, and fits of laughter, board game nights and movie marathons with our friends, we savored each moment.

And, of course, our intimacy was present as well. Moments of passion were frequent, but often we would simply sit there, in my vehicle, gazing out at the sea, wrapped in each other's arms. It was in those moments of calm and tenderness that we knew how strong and authentic our love was. Nothing else mattered, just the two of us, connected and at peace.

"I genuinely love you, Dee, me, Emily, not just Elizabeth."

I simply say it, an afternoon, as we observed the bay through binoculars from the simple comfort of my vehicle.

"I know. It's also evident that you know I haven't been feigning my affection for you for weeks, many weeks. This ring is real to me, Emily."

"Do you accept to come live with me in Vermont?"

"Near Keys? At your grandparents' place?"

"Yes, unless you find it strange. Would you prefer to settle in Washington?"

"I'm not saying no, but please give me a little more time. I've come to terms with being married, and I think it's a big step for me. But moving in with someone is..."

"I'm not rushing you, Dee. I've spent more time with you than with your sister, so stop comparing the love I have for you to the love I had for your sister. I am your wife."

"I know, Emily. I see it in your eyes when you look at me, in your gestures, your attentiveness. My feelings for you are genuine as well. I love you, me, Dee, not just Julia. Both versions of Julia love you, and that must mean something. I am happy, I hope you know that. I realize how much I've changed by your side, you've changed me. I love being near you, being with you, being married to you, sleeping with you, eating with you. I'm hungry, shall we head back?"

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