Chapter 19

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Warren Chesnutt listened to me without  almost ever interrupting. Lindsay had briefed me on the investigation regarding the two fires. Our visit to the supermarket, Dee and I, had been erased, leaving no trace. I won't disclose the information I possess. Taking out the son and his friend would be like accepting an assassination. I'll handle it on my own time. After I finished speaking, I waited for Warren to ask questions, but he had none.

Warren, is it okay for me to go?" I asked, eager to be dismissed.

However, he surprised me with an unexpected question: "Have you heard of Operation Guardian Angel?"

I pondered for a moment, but nothing came to mind. I couldn't recall being involved in an operation with that name, whether official or unofficial, in collaboration with another agency whose name starts with a C. Given the confidential nature of most of my missions, it's possible that it slipped my memory.

"No, is it something I'm being blamed for?" I inquired, wondering why he brought it up.

"It's a recently implemented operation in New Zealand and Argentina, initiated by the McMurdo and Scott bases in Antarctica. The operation involves closely monitoring newcomers with unusual profiles for researchers or tourists. Local businesses and hotels are also part of the intelligence gathering efforts, reporting any suspicious individuals. According to the information I have, the operation is based on the belief in a protective deity of Antarctica, who sends two guardians whenever the continent is threatened."

I couldn't help but let out a slight laugh, finding the idea amusing, before regaining my composure.

"I've never heard of this story or the operation. Is it a local legend? I was unaware that there was a deity in Antarctica," I replied, surprised by the existence of this surveillance operation.

"Your... activities in Antarctica have cultural implications. The multiple resurrections of Mrs Burke are... embarrassing, even for scientists. As for Representative Norman, the FBI is investigating. There's nothing left of his home or his factory. According to the preliminary report, there's no trace of the Representative, but the area is devastated. It will take time to analyze everything."

"May I clarify my status?"

"Go ahead," he responded, closing the file and placing it within a larger one, which I recognized as my own.

"I'm sure you must have a whole drawer just for me," I smiled.

"That your question?" he sighed, seemingly exasperated.

" No. Does my time spent in Antarctica count towards my working hours?"

"Were you paid?"


"Then you have your answer."

"Can I take some days off? I want to get married, with my wife."

"Congratulations. You'll need to discuss that with the scheduling department in Burlington. I don't handle vacation requests for our branches."

"Thank you, Warren."

"Antarctica is behind us now, right?"

"Warren, who am I to ignore the call of a deity?" I say with a wink. "By the way, if my wife decides to look for a job, would you be interested? She's like me, but calmer, well, kind of. She's still recovering."

"Just go home, Agent Lowry," he sighs. "Is that how you were at the CID?"

"No, I've matured, settled down."

"Oh my!"

"I prefer to be called the Guardian of Antarctica," I chuckle, standing up and shaking his hand. "Thank you for everything, Warren."

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