Chapter 18

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I find that there's an advantage to traveling with someone—it allows us to cover more ground. The twelve-hour drive will pass quickly. I take the opportunity to catch up with Lindsay, but the amount of data to process is massive. Afterward, I call my superiors to provide a preliminary report, using coded language since the NSA monitors all communications for keywords. I confirm that I'm en route and will arrive in a few days.

We drive leisurely, stopping to eat and relax along the way. Eventually, we arrive just in time for breakfast when April and Kinsley show up to open the garage. They startle upon seeing us step out of the car. Both of them rush into my arms—we haven't seen each other in months.

"Girls, meet Dee, my wife," I introduce as she exits the car. "Dee, this is April Montgomery and Kinsley Reese."

"You're married?" Kinsley exclaims, looking at me with surprise.

"Yes, is that a problem?" I respond.

"No, it's just that..."

"Tell me about this first kiss, how did it happen?" I interrupt Kinsley, wanting to know more.

April blushes. "She came to sleep in my bed, and... I was the one who needed affection."

"Was it good?" Dee asks, stepping forward.

"Well, I certainly enjoyed it!" Kinsley laughs before hugging April. "I love you, you know."

"I love you too, but I never thought I'd love you like this, before."

"Take your time, girls, don't rush anything. I'm happy for you. So, show me this concept?"

"Come on."

Dee explores the showroom, the garage, and talks with April. The latter is curious, asking Dee numerous questions until Eleanor arrives. The discomfort is short-lived—she immediately senses that she's out of the picture in my heart.

Everyone gathers in the workshop, where I sit on a stool in front of the modified Ninja. Kinsley has done an amazing job, pushing the limits of her skills to create a completely aerodynamic motorcycle, reducing air intakes and modifying the tank without weakening it, so that I can fit perfectly.

Eleanor hugs me and brings up financial matters like investments and debt repayment. However, I prefer to focus on the motorcycles and the girls.

"Sorry, I was out of the country and couldn't come back sooner," I apologize.

"But you come back married," Kinsley reminds me.

I quickly change the subject to lighten the mood. "So, what's new in your life?" I ask Kinsley, making her blush slightly.

"Well, trials are scheduled for August, followed by races in September and October. We have a few months to finalize the adjustments and push the machine to its limits. The wind tunnel results are promising. The increased wind resistance forced me to reduce lift and refine certain details," she responds.

Dee listens to Kinsley with surprise, noticing the drastic change in her personality. She approaches the computer and activates the CAD software, while Kinsley comes closer to show and explain the details.

"How old are you?" Dee asks.

"Almost eighteen," Kinsley replies.

"And you did all this on your own?" Dee marvels.

"Yes, I don't need anyone in life, well, except them," Kinsley responds.

"We don't say 'them,' Kinsley," Eleanor corrects her.

But Kinsley pays no attention and continues to watch Dee manipulate the computer.

"Yeah, I tried, but I'm afraid it might make it unstable. I reduced the frame, so the controls are closer together. It'll need testing, but I think it should work. As for comfort, we'll have to see," Kinsley explains.

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