Chapter 15

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As soon as we landed in New Zealand, nurses took charge of Dee, checking her condition. Her vitals are stable, they simply change her dressings before transferring her to the aircraft that will take us home.

Lindsay has thought of everything, and we have food and drinks, though limited, as she assumed I would be the only conscious one on board. But a little diet won't harm us, in addition to the one we followed at the infirmary. Before takeoff, I make a call, as Dee wanted to talk to Lindsay to thank her. I heard some screams. I think her neighbors called the police, thinking there was a murder happening.

The journey is long but pleasant. Passing through Australia, Indonesia, and then Japan, we travel through the countries as Dee and Emily. Elizabeth and Julia are now behind us. We chat, sleep, with the stretcher placed near my seat. We share a blanket and hold hands. In Okinawa, we change flights for a standard military transport, heading to California, then Texas, and finally Vermont.

I called my grandparents. They haven't heard from me in weeks, but they understand that I was working. When I ask if they can pick me up at the Burlington military base, they are thrilled. I haven't told them about my marriage yet and the fact that I'm not coming back alone. Lindsay has arranged VIP passes for them, and I can imagine them walking proudly as they enter the base. When the transporter lands, I help Dee to her feet and then settle her into a wheelchair. If she grimaces in pain in the cargo hold, she smiles as the door lowers.

"How do we tell them? The last time I saw them, it was weird, I had just killed the General," she whispers.

"It depends on what. The marriage? The fact that we're going to live with them? That we killed about fifty people? That you were shot three times? That I broke my ribs jumping from a boat onto a kayak before blowing it up? And besides, we're not officially married, our avatars are," I reply.

"You're right, let's take it slowly. Damn, it hurts," she groans, squeezing my hand tightly as we descend the ramp. If they're surprised to see Dee in a wheelchair and me walking slowly, they don't comment on it.

"Hello, Grandma, Grandpa. I officially introduce you to Dee. We're hosting her twin sister, Keys, in the backyard."

"Ah! Dickies!" my grandpa laughs. At least someone finds it funny.

"We got married."

"Welcome to the family, Dee," my grandma smiles, embracing her. "Go get your luggage, Grace, there's a gentleman waiting for you. I'll take care of Dee."

I watch as my grandmother, Sylvie, pushes the wheelchair to the car. I follow them slowly, carrying our bags, while Grandpa carries Dee and gently places her in the car, then opens the trunk of the SUV to stow the wheelchair.

"So, where are we going? Who do you work for now?" my grandfather asks. I feel like they're treating my life as a live-action role-playing game.

"We're going to stay at home, if that's alright with you. For a little while, to regain our strength, for you to get to know each other, a few months, maybe more," I reply.

"You're going to live here?" Grandma exclaims, delighted.

"Yes, if you don't mind, Madam," Dee smiles at her.

"But what happened to you over there?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a few stitches in my back. I have more scars than Emily."

"Emily, yes, of course," Grandma smiles at me. "Get in the front, I'll stay with your wife. My goodness, it's so strange. Who would have thought you'd get married! So, Dee, what do you do in life when you're not playing ghost?"

"I'm sorry for scaring you, Madam."

"You're family now, call me Sylvie."

"I used to be in the military."

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