Chapter 14

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"DEE!" I yelled as I skidded around the snowmobile she'd borrowed from the mercenaries.

"Damn, took you long enough!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, got sidetracked along the way, keeping count. I've killed at least forty-five more than you. Are you hurt?" I asked.

"It's possible. My back hurts," she replied.

"Let me take a look," I said hurriedly.

I leaned her against me, hearing her wince as I opened her blood-soaked jacket. My heart sank as I discovered three bullet wounds on her back. Panic surged through me as I realized the seriousness of her injury.

"I'm not in great shape, Emily. Is it bad?" she asked weakly.

"You've been shot three times," I replied.

"That sucks," she sighed, spitting blood. "At least you didn't shoot me."

"You're not funny, Dee. Wait, let me put your coat back on. I'll take you to the base, the doctor will take care of you," I said.

"I don't think I'll make it there. Antarctica, damn it! What a mess! I'm going to die here like my sister," she murmured in a weakened voice.

Tears threaten to fall, but I fight to hold them back, refusing to accept this possibility.

"No way!" I assert, positioning myself with my back to her, grasping her arms to lift her, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Emily, it's impossible. I won't make it. It's over," she breathes as I set her down on the ground.

"It was good while it lasted, the two of us."

She closes her eyes, exhausted, but I still feel her hand gripping mine.

"It is good, the two of us."

"I've been happy with you," she murmurs with difficulty before closing her eyes, her breathing growing weaker.

"Where's the sled, Dee?"

"Don't leave me here," she whispers, her voice is barely a sigh before her chin drops onto her chest. I hold her close, crying, I'm going to lose her too.

"I forbid you to leave me, Dee, do you hear me? I FORBID YOU," I cry, holding her body close to mine, lifting her up and sniffing, I place two fingers on her throat, feverishly searching for a sign of life. "DEE," I scream, my voice breaking.

"You, I swear you're going to fight!" I shout, lifting her and carrying her in my arms, then settling on the snowmobile. I struggle to start it and finally, we speed away. We race across the ice at full speed. Under normal circumstances, I would have savored this moment, but all I could think of was reaching the base as quickly as possible. Dee was against me, but I had no way of knowing if she was still alive. We zoom past the first buildings at a blistering pace. Those I pass can tell that something is wrong as they see Dee sitting on me, sidesaddle. The alarm is raised. I barely stop in front of the building serving as the infirmary when someone emerges, kneeling before Dee.

"Tell me she's going to make it, please," I pleaded.

"I can't feel her pulse, Elizabeth," Dr. Anderson replied in a grave voice.

"TAKE OFF YOUR DAMN GLOVES AND TRY AGAIN!" I screamed, desperate. I bit my hand to remove my glove, my other arm, stiff, holding onto Dee. "Tell me she's alive, please."

Hands rested on my shoulders. Henry was trying to get me to let go of Dee.

"Elizabeth, Doc will take care of Julia, let him carry her to the infirmary," he said gently.

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