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LEADER: Maplestar | A light gray she-cat with striking green eyes ; lives: 8/9 |

DEPUTY:  Snowthistle | A white-furred she-cat with light brown eyes |


Thornmask | A black-furred she-cat with amber eyes |

Ghostsight | A white-furred tom with bright green eyes ; victim of a deadly fox attack, impairing his sight and hearing |


Robinflight | A brown-furred she-cat with pale blue eyes |

Apprentice: Cloudpaw

Ashheart | A dark gray tom with bright, yellow eyes |

Stonesong | A gray tom with dark brown eyes |

Apprentice: Foxpaw

Mistyfoot | silver she-cat with dull yellow eyes |

Icefeather | A light blue-furred she-cat with flashing yellow eyes |

Doveleap | A she-cat with white fur and pale gray eyes |

Apprentice: Stormpaw

Emberpad | A ginger tom with hazel eyes |

Fawnpounce | A tortoiseshell she-cat with sparkling emerald eyes |

Apprentice: Dawnpaw

Cherrytooth | A ginger she-cat with amber eyes |

Hailstep | A white-furred tom with bright green eyes |

Apprentice: Dustpaw

Crowcatcher | A black-furred calico tom with icy blue eyes |

Apprentice: Sunpaw

Acorntail | A gray-furred she-cat with yellow eyes |

Adderstalk | A calico tom with green eyes |

Goosewatcher | A white-furred tom with amber eyes |

Goldentuft | A golden tabby with brown eyes |


Dustpaw | A dark brown she-cat with yellow eyes |

Foxpaw | A light gray she-cat with amber eyes |

Sunpaw | A golden tom with green eyes |

Dawnpaw | A tortoiseshell she-cat with gray eyes |

Cloudpaw | A tom with a white pelt and dark brown eyes |

Stormpaw | A gray-furred tom with bold, emerald eyes |


Hazelfeather | Brown-furred she-cat with green eyes ; Mate: Hailstep ; Kits: Smokekit, Duskkit, and Brackenkit |

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