CHAPTER 20 - Finale

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your patience <3

This next chapter is VERY long. I am not even kidding; I don't want to break this into chapters.

(warning: violence, language, awfully long chapter, scenes that may not be suitable for young readers)


Zira looked at Keon. She got herself up and moved to the bedside.

"Don't worry. It will be the last time."

Keon averted his gaze immediately; his face flushed red. "Can you cover up your..." he asked, motioning to her legs. "And fix your hair," he said, gesturing with his hands for her to put her hair down her chest.

 "And fix your hair," he said, gesturing with his hands for her to put her hair down her chest

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Zira grabbed a pillow and placed it above her legs. Her regular nightgown was relatively short, falling well above her knees and showing bare chest skin. She slept best in this dress, and it wasn't like she expected Keon to just break into her room anyway, so she didn't have the time to change.

She swiveled around, reaching for her cabinet. After a few seconds, a sweater appeared in her hand, and she quickly donned it.

Her gaze returned to Keon, who was staring at the collection of tiny faux butterflies on the ceiling.

"Thank you for saving me," she tried to strike up a conversation with him.

He was still ignoring her; his thick dark brows knitted together.

"Hey, I said thank you."

Keon rolled his eyes and looked down at his nails, still not paying attention to her.

Keon has been upset with her since he discovered she was still watching over werewolves, especially after accidentally seeing her past through her mind. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that she would put her life in danger for those "creatures."

Zira brushed her hair to the side and cleared her throat. "Keoniee," she said, her voice possibly sickly sweet.

Keon closed his eyes. "Zira, stop it," he grumbled, his hands covering his ears.

She knows he despises it when someone refers to him in that manner. She learned it from other younger mages in Keon's clan.

"I said thank you, Keoniee," she continued in a high-pitched voice.

"Fine! Yes-I-heard-you-You're-welcome," Keon said before turning to face her. "You know that I hated it."

"Yes, but at least you're talking to me now," Zira smiled slightly, which made Keon raise the corner of his mouth.

"Tell me. What did you do in the werewolves' camp that a female werewolf almost killed you?"

"About that.."

Zira chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about it. She intended to heal the two werewolves that belonged to Khan's pack. If she remembered correctly, they were the werewolves from Mattituck.

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