𝑇𝑤𝑜 ~ 𝐼𝑛 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑢𝑠 𝐻𝑎𝑠 𝑉𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠

239 14 3

TW// cussing, being locked up, privation mentions, talk of stealing, talk of running away, manipulation, talk of war/battle

Theseus's POV
the next morning

I woke to the sound of banging on the metal bars they call my door. I looked up with tired eyes, seeing Dream standing there.

"Wakey wakey. You have two visitors." He cooed. I tilted my head, furrowing my eyebrows. "You're...letting someone visit me?" I asked. He nodded and I could feel his stupid smile from under his mask.

He turned around, doing a little hand motion like when you're calling someone to come near you.

"Let 'um in." He sighed, then walking away. I heard a large metal door open, flooded by very recognizable footsteps.

Tubbo and Ranboo.

They skidded to a stop in front of my sleeping quarters, or, cell door...bars? Yeah, bars.

"Holy shit, Tomm-" My eyes widened and I cut Tubbo off. "Shhh! Sh. Sh. Sh." I quickly stood up, jogging over to the bars. "Don't call me that. Not here." I whispered. "W-What? To- er- Theseus, what are you doing here?" Tubbo asked.

I leaned, looking down the hall on either side of the two, which were also lines with other 'sleeping quarters.'

"Did you do something bad?" Ranboo whispered almost impossibly quiet. "What? No! I stay here whenever I'm needed for battle or a fight or something. This is old news, boys." I laughed under my breath. "You two know I'm held here whenever I'm needed."

The two exchanged glances.

"No...boss man...we didn't. We- We thought you just stayed in the vault with...him and got ready there. We thought he keeps you with him and away from us just so you don't have anything on your mind but the battle." Ranboo said softly. "Oh...you...did?" I asked. The two nodded.

I exhaled, shaking my head.

"It's alright, boys. I'll be back home in a few days," I said, "The battle is...tomorrow, and I'm definitely not ready, but I'll be fine, I always am. After the battle, I'll probably have a few injures, so I'll come back here - or, not here, but wherever Dream's Med place is - and then I'll be home. So...you'll see me home in maybe three days? Five if I'm severely injured."

"Ok, first of all, boss man: you're not ready so you won't be fine!" Tubbo said with concern. Ranboo nodded, "Yeah, and to add to what Tubs said, you're going against L'Manburg, To-Theseus. They have The Blade, who is strong as hell, and you're malnourished as crap." He said. "Yes, you've fought him before and you were pretty ok, but you weren't starved to death with creaky bones."

I rubbed a hand down my face, exhaling.

"I-I know. You two- You've just gotta trust me. I've got this, alright? I'm Theseus! And there are reasons why I'm so quick and such a good fighter. That's why Dream keeps me to himself." I said fast, almost scared to be heard.

The two nodded.

"We know. We're just...worried. This- This isn't good for you. You need out of here, you can't be locked up in a fucking prison cell whenever there's gonna be a battle!" Tubbo said maybe a little too loudly.

Tommy eyes widened slightly and his eyes caught glimpse of a guard peering through the door, then saying something to someone he could only assume was Dream.

"P-Prison? Ha! Wh-What are you talking about? This is- is my- uh- sleeping quarters! Haha..." I said with a nervous face that I hoped would make Tubbo catch on. I widened my eyes at him, then gesturing to the window where the guard was. Tubbo looked over, then making a small noise.

"I know that, boss man! I was just messing with you, saying that since it's not our home!" He laughed, just as nervous as I did. I looked back at the door. The guard raised his eyebrow at me before looking away again.

I exhaled shakily, looking back to Tubbo.

"You've gotta be careful 'round here, Tubs. These people will fucking kill you." I whispered, barely audible to even myself. Tubbo's eyebrows were slanted with a scared face. He chewed on his lip, nodding.

"How are you two even here? I've never been able to have visitors." I said. "We told Lord Dream that it was a family emergency, which, it kind of is?" Ranboo fiddled with his hands, grabbing his hair and pushing it in front of his eyes like he was trying to hide.

"What...did you do, Ranboo?" I straightened my posture, looking between the two.

"Uhh," Tubbo laughed slightly, "Well, Boo here thought it would be a grand idea to steal some food. Nobody saw his face, so we should be fine, but we figured you should know that just incase you come back home and we or he, well, isn't there." He said.

I closed my eyes, exhaling.

"Ran..." I paused. "I know, I'm so sorry, I just- we need it more than those guys did, and- and I just...you two need to eat." He replied.

I stayed quiet for a moment.

"It's alright. Just...at least nobody saw your face. Hey," I talked quieter, grabbing the bars in front of me with both hands, "Worst case scenario, you get caught and have to run. If it comes down to that, as bas as it may sound, I suggest you go to L'Manburg." I said.

"W-What? But- But they're our enemies." Ranboo spoke in the same hushed voice. "I know...but they treat their citizens so, so much better than how Dream does. And nobody in L'Manburg is poor or starving, and I've heard how warm they welcome new citizens they run from their own kingdoms. You'd be surprised how many people have left here for L'Manburg." I said.

"But...if you get back and we're gone-"

"Then I know where to find you. I'll go there too. Dream can suck a dick, Id rather be with you two - safe, at that - than be a soldier."

The two exchanged glances, nodding.

Then I nodded slightly, letting go of the bars as I noticed my knuckles turning white from my strong grip.

"God, you shouldn't even be a soldier yet. You're literally-"

A booming voice cut off Tubbo's sentence.

"Alright, boys, times up! Scat before I make you." Dream said, e steering the concrete hallways.

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at me before mouthing their goodbyes and quickly leaving.

It was silent for a moment.

"Thank you." I said. Dream looked over, tilting his head. "For?" He questioned. "For...letting them visit. Y'know, having a little company was nice...It- It got be more ready for battle." I added the last part fast so he'd think that's all we talked about.

He gave me a cheeky grin from under his mask.

"Aw, you're welcome, Theseus. It's the least I could do, really." He said in a soft yet manipulative voice. I nodded, picking at the hem of my hooded cape.

"I'll leave you be now. Have fun doing...whatever you keep yourself busy with in here. Punch the wall or something to be prepared for what punching The Blade feels like." He laughed. "Hm?" I tilted my head. "Oh, you've never had hand-to-hand with him, huh? Never actually threw a punch? That man is made of steel, I'm telling you. I wonder what they feed him over there." He chucked yo himself, shaking his head.

"Anyway, toodaloo!" He waved with his fingers, walking out of the hall, his boots clicking the floor.

I exhaled, going back to...whatever the hell I was doing before Tubs and Ran showed up. Sitting against the wall, I guess, really.

After what felt like an eternity, the sun was setting outside of my small window.

I felt myself drift off after a while.

Words: 1,325

𝐴 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐼𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 - 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now