𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 ~ 𝐼𝑛 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐼𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑛𝑑

164 8 5

TW// cussing, talk of being stabbed, healing injuries, murder mentions, not caring that someone is dead?, being beat mention
I think that's all?

Tommy's POV
idk like a couple weeks later?

My wounds healed pretty much completely, and Nikki was finally letting me leave the castle. She had me cooped up in there ever since I got back. Now that I was alright, I could go.

I walked out to the gates with Techno, my four friends tagging along. Phil and Wilbur never come out much. Phil has his work and Wilbur doesn't like the sun.

Techno looked over at me and tilted his head slightly.

"Are you going to wear those out?" He asked. I reached up, feeling the hood covering my head and the mask over my lower face. "Yes..? I always do." I slightly laughed. "Oh, I just figured you wouldn't since the word has probably already spread to the whole town." He nodded, looking back ahead of us.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"What word?" I asked, still looking at him. He looked back over. "Oh, you probably don't know, do you? Since you were so out of it and hurt, I mean." He hissed between his teeth. "Know?" I questioned.

He stopped walking, so me and the other did as well.

"When you got back, your hood wasn't up, and you didn't have your mask on or anything and well...people saw you," He said.

My eyes widened for just a moment before I remembered trotting into town with the hood wrapped around my torso for blood loss. So that's why Nikki told me that she washed the hood for me.

"Oh...yeah. I...forgot about that." I pressed my lips into a thin line, glancing down at the ground.

"We don't have to go out, Toms. If- If you don't want anyone to see you, you and I can go back alone if everyone else wants to stay out." Ranboo offered. "Hm? Oh, no, it's...it's fine. Not a point in hiding I'd they know already. Thank you, though, Ran." I replied with a small smile.

He smiled back, giving me a slight nod.

And then we continued into town.

I was immediately looked at by just about everyone. They didn't stare, though. They just looked over, smiled, and looked away again. I was thankful for that: them respecting boundaries and personal space and shit.

We walked to the town square, silently. I walked over, flopping down beside of the L'Mantree, leaning against it.

The others sat down with me, and like the sophisticated gentlemen we are, we conversated.

Up until we were interrupted.

"Hey, Theseus!"

I looked up, seeing Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, and George walking our way. Techno looked over from them to me.

"Uhm...hey." I replied as they stopped next to me.

"Are you alright, man?" Sapnap asked. "Hm? Yeah, I'm ok, why?" I replied. "You looked pretty fucked up when you came rolling in on that horse a couple weeks ago." Quackity said. "Oh, yeah, that. I'm alright now, thanks." I gave the four a smile.

"Dream did that to you, I'm assuming?" Karl asked. I nodded.

They looked over at each other for a moment. I noticed other townspeople watching and listening.

"Is it true?" George asked. "Is what true?" I tilted my head. "That you...y'know...offed Dream." He said.

I looked down at the ground, picking at the grass.

"I did..." I replied quietly, then looking back up at the two, "But I'd rather not talk about it." I said. They nodded. "Oh, yeah, totally, that's fine! We get that." Quackity slightly smiled.

"Sorry, I...know you three kinda knew each other years ago." I said to Sapnao and George. "Honestly, I couldn't care less if he's alive or not. Him being dead takes stress off of us. Y'know, stress of him coming for us and stuff." Sapnap said. "Agreed." George replied.

I nodded.

"By offing him, you pretty much saved the town from any future battles, so, uh...thanks, Theseus." Quackity smiled. I smiled back. "Tommy." I said. "Pardon?" He tilted his head. "You all can just call me Tommy. That's my real name. Theseus is...just my undercover name, I guess."

They nodded, said their goodbyes, and left.

"Hear that? You're a hero, Tom!" Tubbo said, shaking my arm. "Hero? That's a big word for me." I laughed. "Did you not hear him? You saved the town. I'd call you a hero." Deo said. Ranboo and Purpled mumbled agreements.

I shook my head, smiling slightly.

"I'm just barely getting by without being stabbed. I'm not a hero." I laughed.

"I would say you are one." Techno said.

I looked over at him, a smile forming on my face. I debated since he could kill me in one punch, but I leaned over, giving him a hug.

And he...hugged me back.


He doesn't really know how to hug.

He needs more practice.

"Thanks, Tech."

I could almost feel his smile.

"Anytime, kiddo."

Words: 840

𝐴 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐼𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 - 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu