𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 ~ 𝐼𝑛 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝐻𝑒 𝐼𝑠 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘...𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔

148 7 0

TW// cussing, being watched, being chained up, fighting, cuts, blood, injuries, being stabbed, murder, death
I think that's all?

Tommy's POV

I shot up, my eyes darting around the room I was in. I was sweating, but I was cold. It was calm, but I was scared. It was somewhat bright. I looked around and my stomach dropped. I was...back. In that cell. The one in DreamCore, not L'Manburg, to be exact. Except this time, my leg was chained to a big lock on the floor.

I pulled on the chain, hoping it was weak enough to snap.

It did not snap.

I tried to look for something to help me, but it was empty.

I then heard footsteps in the distance. I quickly laid back down, closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep. The steps stopped outside of the bars. I peeked one eyes open, seeing Dream there.

He just...stood there.

For a really long time, at that.

I laid perfectly still (sometimes having to remind myself to breathe) for what felt like hours, which, it probably was hours.

How many times had he came in here and just watched me sleep?

He then finally left. I picked my head up, and the sun was setting through the barred window.

Yup. Definitely hours.

I stood up. My calf was sore and swollen.

I needed to get out of there. I looked around for something, anything that could have helped me.

I found...a small flower poking through a crack in the cement under me. I stared at it for a moment. I then remembered my handy-dandy powers.

I used said powers to make the flower's roots grow and travel under the ground to where the lock on the floor was. I used the vines to snap the chain. Plants are fucking strong.

Now I just had the cuff around my ankle and a chain about half a foot long dangling, dragging the floor.

I went over to the bars, poking my head through them. I was just barely too big to fit.

I huffed, looking around.

The plant gods were loving me today, because there were vines growing on the wall. I used the vines to bring the ring of keys over to my hand.

I tried all of the keys, and of course, it was the very last one I could've used.

I pushed the bars open, them creaking loudly. I limped as fast as I could down the cold halls.

I peaked around a corner, seeing a guard next to my things. My hood, arrows, bow, mask, boots, etc.

I looked around.

Thank you, plant gods.

I used a heavy looking, thick vine to wack into the guys head, sending him to the floor, unconscious.

I grabbed my things, putting them all on appropriately. (Struggled with my boots because of the chain on my foot.) I kept my hood down and my tail out. I didn't have time to hide them.

I ran (kind of because of my leg) out of the cellars. I was now in the catsle, or, vault as Dream calls it.

I knew my way around, so I had no trouble finding an exit.

As I was about to go through said exit, I felt something hard hit me in the back of the head. I nearly collapsed.

I grabbed my bow and an arrow, aiming it.


"Where are you going, Theseus?" He asked. I just glared at him, slightly shaking. "Come on, lower the bow. You're alright." He said, a smile in his voice.

I, for some reason, actually lowered the bow, putting it back over my shoulder. I still held the arrow in my fist, though. It was like I had completely forgotten he had knocked me over the head a few moments ago. He's too good at that, making me forget.

"Let's get you back to your room." He smiled. I didn't move or speak. "Now." He said more stern, grabbing my arm.

I reacted, slicing his arm with the arrow in my hand. He gasped, jumping back with a pained noise. He pulled a blade out of his pocket, swinging it at me. It nicked my side and I gasped, holding my breath.

I went to reach back for my bow so I could keep a better distance from Dream, but he swung at me again so I jumped back, holding my arms to protect myself, causing my left arm to get a nasty gash.

I was shoved into a wall and I felt his blade get plunged into my left thigh, pulled out, and then stabbed into my side. I cried out in pain, my mask muffling the sobs.

My mask was ripped off of me, and I felt a sting on my face and held in my tears as Dream's blade went from my left ear to the mid left of my chin.

I shoved him off of me and grabbed the blade from his hand, it slicing my palm in the action. I threw the blade to the floor and looked back up in time to get pelted in the face, sure it'd leave a bruise.

I subconsciously grabbed an arrow and just stabbed, not really thinking about it at all. I looked up at Dream and my eyes widened. I had stabbed the arrow right into his chest, and he collapsed a moment later.

"You- You bi-tch." He winced, blood forming in his mouth. I stared at him with wide eyes.

He laid there for a moment, quivering, until his body stopped moving and his chest stopped rising and falling.

I had...killed...Dream.

I covered my mouth, shaking slightly. I heard yelling. Guards. I grabbed my mask from the ground, and took off running, making sure I didn't leave anything.

I made it outside and I saw a horse shining in the moonlight. It was brown with white spots. I immediately and subconsciously named him Henry.

I ran over to him. My adrenaline was now warning off, and I felt the pain in my thigh and side of my torso where I had been stabbed. The new cut on my face stung, as did the nicks on my arms.

I struggled to pull myself up onto the horse, but eventually did.

Boy, was I glad for knowing how to ride without a saddle.

He was stubborn, but I got him to move, and then to run, and we were off. I sort of knew the general direction of where I was headed in.

I took off my hood, wrapping it around the bleeding would on my torso. I was shaking and I felt sick. I'd be lying if I said I didn't lean over and hurled beside of Henry as we walked a few times.

I knew we should have been running to get there before I bled out, but I really couldn't handle the constant bump of it.

I guess that I'd just have to wait and see what happens.

Words: 1,175

𝐴 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐼𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 - 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now