𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 ~ 𝐼𝑛 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑢𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑇𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑜𝑢𝑡

197 6 21

TW// cussing, slight panicking, trauma, being triggered
I think that's all?

Theseus's POV

It was later in the day, and the sun was an orange-pink color as it was setting. Philza, the man the myth and the legend himself, gave me a bedroom! Wow! It was on the second floor so I had somewhat easy access to places, and Blade's room was right across from mine.

I had took myself a shower. Do you know how refreshing that was? I felt so ick before.

My tail (being half wet and half dry) looked like it had been fucking struck by lightning.

I had put on some fresh clothes that were still somewhat similar to what I usually wear. Black trousers and a maroon short sleeved shirt. I figured it would be alright to show my scarred up arms since the sun was going down, and nobody pays that much attention to me ever anyways.

My hood was neatly folded up in the window seat, my mask lying on top of it.

There was a knock at the door.

I rushed over, quickly opening the door.

Blade was there.

"You...could have just said 'come in'." He chuckled. I shrugged. "Not used to that. Dream takes that as me bossing him around so I just open it myself. It's a habit." I said. He nodded.

His eyes landed on my arms for a very, very brief moment before he looked bald at my eyes.

"Figured it'd be alright since the sun is going down." I said. He nodded.

I looked down at my arms.

God, they're horrendous.

(This is by no means saying that people with scars are horrendous. It's meaning that Tommy thinks he looks ugly with his scars.)

Scars going up and down and left and right. Some were long, some were short. Some bubbled up, others were flat but rough. Some were darker than others. It was just a variety of scar.

"The burns are mostly on my back, if you're wondering. There's just a few on my arms." I said, looking back up at Blade. He nodded, his eyes still not letting themselves look out of respect. That's valid.

"Well, Phil told me to come get you. Family cookout time." He said, sounding just as not excited as I was. I nodded and followed him down the halls and down the stairs.

We went outside to the garden. I now noticed a large willow tree with white blooms covering it. My second favorite kind of tree.

Blade walked me over and we sat down on the grass next to an empty fire-pit. Wilbur sat crisscross a few feet away, and Philza, being the old and wise man he is, sat on a bench. Sam was standing next to a grill just a few feet away. The lid was closed, but I could feel the heat radiating off of it. I scooted just a bit farther away.

I sat quietly as they yapped and yapped. I didn't really listen to what they said. It was now darker than before.

"Ain't that right, Theseus?" Wilbur asked. I looked up, glancing around a bit. "Pardon?" I replied. "Ain't it right that dogs are superior to cats?" He asked. "Eh. Personally I don't like either." I shrugged. "Really? Why?"

"Well dogs chase raccoons and sometimes kill them, and cats are just stupid as fuck. The little fucks can fit under a door and it's creepy. Plus, cats kill wildlife as well. Not pog at all." I shook my head.

"Cats can fit under doors?" Blade asked. "Yeah. I've seen it happen. Weirdest shit I've ever seen."

I'm not fucking joking look at that shit. It's creepy. Hell spawns. (Don't mind my battery percent)

 (Don't mind my battery percent)

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"Hm." Wilbur nodded, his eyes landing on my arms. His eyebrows raised and he looked back up at me with concern.

Blade and Philza didn't notice because Sam had said something that they were now talking about.

"What-" I cut him off by shaking my head. I mouthed, "I'm alright, I've had these since I was little" and he nodded slightly, looking away.

He shook his head, blinking away the thought.

"Aye, Sam, my main man, how that stuff looking?" He asked, his mood somehow completely changing.

Sam turned, opening up the grill which was full of hot coals.

Hot, hot coals.

Some of them had a reddish glow to them.

My hands began to shake some as my eyes were fixed on the coals. I didn't blink or move or anything. Was I even breathing?

The answer to that was no, I was not breathing.

When I noticed this and let out the breath I was holding in, it came out along with a small, barely audible cry. They all did hear it, though. Of-fucking-course they did.

"Theseus?" Blade tilted his head, letting his hand rest on my shoulder. He looked at my eyes and then over to what I was staring at. "Oh..." He whispered.

"Sam, close that." He said. "Huh?" Sam tilted his head. "Just close it." Blade repeated. Sam reached over, closing the lid to the grill.

I blinked now, shaking my head and turning it back in front of me and not off to the side where the grill is. I held my hands against the sides of my head.

That feeling of coals being pressed against my back was there. It was faint, but there. I shivered.

I was mumbling slightly incoherent words, but I think they could tell what a few of them were. Like: "stop" and "it hurts." Wow, I'm traumatized.

I felt Blade up against me. He was to my right. He had took one of my hands in his right hand, and his left hand was currently running though my hair while also around me in a sort of hug.

He was quietly whispering things like "it's alright" and "you're safe" and "it's not actually there." I guess that last one was because of what I was mumbling.

My hands stopped shaking. I stopped feeling that slight burn. My heart was no longer racing, and I was breathing.

"You good now?" Blade asked as I removed my hands from my head. I nodded a bit, looking down at the grass. "S-Sorry." I chewed my lip. "Don't be sorry. Things happen, I get it. You can't control it." He said in a voice that was too soft and kind for his brand.

I nodded, crossing my arms over myself.

"Are...you ok? What happened?" Wilbur asked. I looked up at him, silent and unmoving. "Long story for another time." Blade replied for me. "And you know it?" Philza asked. Blade nodded.

"Theseus...Dream didn't do something to make you afraid of hot coals...did he?" Sam asked slowly. I looked over at him, quickly shaking my head. "N-No, no, no, he didn't, it's...something else. Don't worry about it right now."

Then the rest of the night was...slow.

I did not fall to sleep once.

Words: 1,175

𝐴 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐼𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 - 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now