1. Before the party

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I was getting ready to go pick up max from her friend's house. I wasn't happy about because I was going to a party tonight. But I still put on my heavy boots and throw on my leather jacket running out of the house grabbing my keys at on the way. I get in my car when Neil pulls up 'God my day couldn't get any worse.' I thought to myself as I start my car trying to leave before he can stop me but of course I can't do that. I roll down my window so I could tell him I was just trying to get max. "Where the hell do you think you're going William!" He spat angrily. "I was just getting max she when to a friend's house Susan said she could as long as I picked her up." I said trying not to sound mad or upset.

"Fine just hurry." He said as I roll up my window turning up my music pulling out of the drive way and to Max's friend's house. I honk to tell her I'm here and wait for her to come out. I light my cigarette and take a long drag from it. Max of course wasn't listening to my car so I turn it off and walk to the door I put out my cigarette and knock on the door. An older woman opened the door. "Hello, how could I help you?" She says calmly. "I'm just here to pick up my sister max. Is she here?" I say trying to sound like a loving brother. "Um let me see." Her eyes looking me up and down. 'Ew I'm like half your age.' I thought as she yells something. "Michael is a girl named max here?" I see a kid with black hair run to the woman. "Yes, mom she is why?" I could feel the eyes on me. "Because her brother is here to pick her up. Now go get her." The woman said to the kid. 'God I need to learn her friend's names.' I thought as I see her friend's run to the door with max. The woman moves so they can leave when max looks at me. "They need a ride home could you give them a ride as you love me so vary much." Max doesn't move her eyes from my face and I look at her and her friend's and sigh. "Fine but hurry I was already told to hurry." I say as I start to walk back to my car. 'Great now I'm dead.' I think as I sigh. The kids fill my car and I know I'm going to love this car ride. I start the car and turn down my music so I can hear them tell me where they live.

*after dropping the kids off*

I walk into the house just to get slapped across the face. "Where the hell where you William!" He shouts "I had to drop off Max's friend's." I flinch as he rises his hand again. "You a fucking pussy! Flinching when I rise a hand to you!" He spits out as I feel the spit hit my face. I look down just for him to put his hand to my throat to make me look at him. "You look at me when I'm talking to you!" He shouts "Neil hunny he was just trying to be nice leave him alone." Susan says as Neil let go of my neck and stepped way from me and I rush to my room to get ready and to hide the marks if he left any.

*after getting ready*

I grab my keys and sneak out of my window and into my car staring it before leaving. I drive fast enough that if he tries to follow he wouldn't be able to catch up for a while.

Author's note:
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter if not please don't hesitate to stop reading. But I hope you all have a good day and or night -Notsocursed

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