12. Well shit

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After I was done crying I had to tell Steve the truth. I didn't want to, but I know I have to. "Hey, Steve?" I ask as he looks at me. "Ya what's up babe?" He asks but I was surprised by him calling me babe. "So you know how I uhh flinched when Eddie punched me?" I ask looking away from his eyes. "Yes I do, what about it?" He asks sounding worried. "So the reason why I did was because of my father..." I say my voice getting more and more quiet as I speak. "Does he hit you?" He asks as I can hear Neil pull in. I pull Steve into my room and tell him to stay in my room. He trys to argue but I run out closing the door and into the kitchen. "Billy did you get into a fight!" He raised his voice. "No I tripped and fell." I state not making eye contact with the devil I call my father. "Your lieing! Did you get into a fucking fight!" He now shouting at me but I'm trying not to show any signs of fear. "Your fucking pathetic!" He yells as he slames me again a wall holding me there by one of his arms. I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen as he punches me. I can feel my legs giving up because of the pain. I end up on all fours as I feel a sharp pain in my ribs. I try to get up but I'm unable to. He just keeps kicking my rids till I'm on the verge of tears. And he punches on my ribs with what seems to be all of his weight. I bite my tongue so I don't scream. But his relentless attack to my ribs and back not stopping. I feel the burning of my eyes as hot tears build up and soon fall. It hurts to the point I let out a muffled crys of pain. But I soon start to black out. With all of my strength I have left I just yelled to Max and Steve. "Run!" As soon as that word left my lips I'm out.

Time skip

I wake up where Neil left me. I struggle to get up and walk to my room. I lock my door sliding down it. Breaking down to hear someone climbing through my window. I could care less right now. Steve rushes over to me to try me down. I cry for hours but he insists I go to his house so I can get away from Neil. I expect after I calm down. When we get there I'm meat with max running over to me hugging me. I hug back rubbing her back. "I thought you died!" She crys. I don't have words so I just rub her back and hold her closer. Max seems to break down into my chest. "Get it out max" I say rubbing her back. El looks at me confused. "Why are you hurt?" Say asks and Steve shakes his head to try not to get  questions asked. "It's ok lo-Steve. My father did this to me because I'm not what he wanted." I say as max let's go of me. "He doesn't deserve to have you!" Max almost shouts. "I know but you know what happened if I try to leave." I sate with a hint of anger in my voice. She nods and El walks to me and hugs me. "You don't deserve to get hurt by your father!" She says with a angry tone. "Heyguys let me fix Billy then you guys can continue this conversation, ok." Steve says with a strick voice. "Fine." The girls say letting go of me. Me and Steve walk to the bathroom, or it's more Steve supporting me so I don't fall.
"Can you take off your shirt?" Steve askes as he grabs his first aid kit. I take off my shirt so he can see the damage. He looks at my bear chest. His loveing eyes look so sad when he looks at my chest. He walks behind me a lightly touches my back. His cold fingers making concrete with my back makes me jump.

Authors note:
Sorry about the abuse in this chapter. But I hope ypu all enjoyed this chapter. I hope you all have a good day and or night. -Notsocursed

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