11. The untold truth

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I was happy that I was with my boyfriend, but having to hide it was the hard part. Because I go and hangout with him I come back smiling so I get asked questions. But honestly I could cate less because I'm happy or as happy as I can be being beaten. I go to the kitchen to make a sandwich. After I make it, I sit at the table and eat my sandwich. After I eat I go and do my laundry. Max is in her room doing something I don't care as long as she's here. While I wait on the washer I lay on the couch when someone knocks. I get up and walk to the door. I opened the door to see Eddie Munson. "Yes?" I ask keeping him from coming into my house. "Do you know where Steve?" He asks looking paranoid as hell. "I couldn't tell you, and if I could I wouldn't tell you. So you'll have to ask someone else." I spoke with a firm voice.

We argued on my door step till Steve pulled up shit. He walks to us and stopped the argument. "What the hell is going on?" Eddie soon smirks probably thinking Steve will take his side. "He wouldn't let me in and call you Steve." His voice full of fake sadness. "Bullshit! You wanted in my house to "call Steve" when you were probably going to hit up your dealer!" I growled as I spoke. Eddie looks pissed. "You lieing asshole!" He yelled causing me to chuckle. "You two stop it!" Steve raises his voice he never raises his voice. I shut up but Eddie doesn't he keeps trying to make me look like the bad guy witch I probably am but who cares. "Eddie your both in the wrong. Yes Billy was being somewhat of a dick he doesn't have to let you in his house. Billy you shouldn't assume that he's going to call a dealer." I just nod I'm not arguing with my boyfriend. "But Steve he wants to hit me!" As Eddie said that I glare at him. "I don't hit homeless people." I soon as those words left my mouth he punches me in the nose. I'm stunned I knew I flinched, but before I could do anything Steve yells at Eddie. "You don't punch my boyfriend, Edward go!" He says eyes not leaving Eddie's. Eddie runs off and Steve looks at me. "Why did you flinch like that?" As he askes that he touches my nose that is bleeding. I cover my nose and say "I don't know." I say turning my head to him.

"Billy, you can trust me you know." He says trying to get me to look at him. "Ya I know but I didn't expect that." I'm now panicking if I tell him I'm dead. I can tell he did believe me buy to be far I wouldn't believe myself either. I look at him. My panicked blue eyes looking in to those worried brown eyes. He gently cups my face, I melt into his hand. I chock back a sod and fight back tears, that end up winning the fight. I feel so week crying in front of someone else. But Steve just hugs me in hope to calm me down. I cry into his shoulder for a what feels like 50 hours but he rubs my back and whispers sweet nothings to me as I cry. When I was done I thought he hated me as I'm a guy who just broke down crying but he wasn't. That's when I knew I love him with all of my heart.

I hope you guys enjoyed theis chapter sorry it took so long for me to publish it, I've had writers block. But I got it out now. I hope you all have a good day and or night. -Notsocursed

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