3. The blossoming friendship

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I had to walk home as I guess Steve drove me there. I walk into the house be met with a slap. I look at Neil "Yes?" I ask as he glares at me. "Where did you go!" Neil shouts Susan is quick to get in the middle. "I don't fucking know I was passed out!" I yell right back. Susan stops Neil from hitting me. I walk to my room and grab my keys and pack some clothes before jumping out of the window, regardlessof the pain it put me through. I get in my car and start it and drive till I pass Steve's house. I see Max and her friend's hanging out with Steve. I couldn't help but smile as they looked so happy but I just keep driving till I get to the quarry. I turn off my car and get out of it. "God I wish I could tell him but I can't he's straight. Why do I need to like people who I can't have!" I chock on a sod as I can see my vision going blurry with tears.

*hours later*

I woke up in my care to see Steve's car pull up. I roll my eyes and sit up to see him getting out and walking over to my car. 'Great' was all I thought as I get out to meet him. "What's up Harrington?" I ask as I see Max and her friend's. "Hey, they were worried about you." He says looking at his feet. "They want answers don't they." I said with a cocky smirk. He nods as he looks at the and telling them to come over. "So why are you guys here?" I ask as I put my Hanes in my back pockets. "You said you two had sex is it true?" Mike asked as the rest of them watch every small movement Steve and I make. I sigh ask say "we did but we were drunk and don't remember it we just wake up naked next to each other." I look at the kids then to Steve. "Pluss I'm not into guys or anything like that." Steve says as my heart breaks. "I probably just mistaken him as a girl." I say hiding the fact that I kn9q I liked both. "Wait so you guy had sex at a party just for you two not to like it? Aren't drunk people the most honest people?" Dustin asks I just shrug. "Probably but I'm not sure." I say as Steve glares ot me. 'Ouch I get it your straight' I thought as the kids said something that I was unaware of. "Billy?" Max says in a worried tone. "Huh" I look at her to get met with a hug and I return the hug. "What's up shit head?" I ask as she look up to me. "You and Steve should be friends he needs more friends with people his age."She states as Steve looks offended. "Hey!" He says as he tries to sound hurt. "Fine but I'm not going to like it." "Lair we know how you feel about him" Will says with an smile that looks as if he could do nothing wrong. "Fine" I sigh as I said that. Smiles from all of the kids was all I could see but Steve his smile made my knees weak and my heart skip a beat. A rare smile appears at the thought of us being more them friends. "You have a nice smile Billy." Steve says as I roll my eye's in a joking manner. "Thanks Harrington yours not bad either." I say as I watch the kids walking around.

Author's note:
I hope your enjoying this book and you enjoyed this chapter. But I hope you have a good day and or night. -Notsocursed

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