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"Reporting for duty, sir!"

The guard stood in the small office, in front of the metal desk. The man who sat at the desk raised his gaze.

"Well?", he asked.

"The prisoners are all in the cell", the guard reported.

"I assumed so by the lack of alarms. No, tell me. The SKELD?"

"Two people reported alive on board. We're following the ship with our radars, and they don't seem to have spotted us yet. We are waiting for your command to open fire"

"No, that would attract too much attention from the governments, we can't afford that"

"So what do you suggest, sir?"

The man thought for a moment. He rested his head on his interlocked fingers, pointer over his lips.

"I think a better approach is to board the ship ourselves", he suggested.

"What do we do about the surviving crew, sir?", the guard questioned.

"We bring them here. Shouldn't take much, should it?"

"Not at all"

"Very well, then. Give out the order that fifteen men board the SKELD, and that the crew be captured and brought here"

"Will do"

"And one more thing. Do not kill them. I want them here alive. Clear?"

"Crystal, sir"

"Anything else to report?"

"Yes, sir, we have a new order. This one might be difficult to fullfil"

"Surely, it can't be that bad"

"It's bad, sir. O+"

The man clasped his hands together, meddling with his thumbs.

"I see. Yes, that is bad... we'll have to hope one of our current ones matches. If not, we might just have to get more... but that's always such a hassle"

"We have one left who's a confirmed match. If they die before we can get enough, then that's an issue"

"Keep them alive. Anything else?"

"No, sir"

The guard then turned on his heels and left. The man was left in his office, alone with his thoughts.

I know this operation is risky. But we have to do it. We can't risk being caught, or we're all dead.

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