No Place Like Home

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The group collectively froze, staring baffled at Alicia.

"What did you do?!", Anya yelled.

Alicia turned and ran towards the door. She had almost pressed the button, but Dylan was quick to stand up and pull her back. He held her in a headlock, keeping her away from the button near the door.

"Why'd you do that?!", he shouted.

Surprisingly, she burst into tears, covering her face with her hands.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I made a deal..", she whispered.

"What kind of deal?", Dylan questioned

"If.. If I stopped you from escaping, they'd... they'd let me see my son, they'd let me and him go"

"And you believed that?! Alicia, you fool!"

"It's the truth! He'll let me and Jamie go, I know it! This all was nothing to me, there's nothing I wouldn't do if it means Jamie's safety. His existence was already the biggest sacrifice of my life!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm 32. He's 17. You do the math"

"You.. you were 15...", Anya realized. Alicia nodded.

"Yes.. I threw my life away for him already, do you hear me? And I won't let these... these people take it away from me!"

"Alicia, we could've saved him.. like we saved Ash and.. uh-". Anya cut herself off as she saw Trinity's expression. "Sorry. My point still stands, we could've saved him!"

"They would've killed him, like they did Harper!"

"You're a backstabber!", Trinity called out. "I couldn't care less about why you did it, you don't betray your team!"

"As if you're one to talk, Trinity! You're no different from me! You're a murderess too, your hands aren't as clean as you act like they are"

"Oh, don't you even try that with me. I know full well I'm a murderess, as if I'll ever forget! But I'm not a traitor, I won't knock out my team behind their backs!"

Just then, there were steps outside the door, and a light electrical buzzing

"The door won't hold much longer", Anya quickly whispered.

Trinity stood up and ran to the control panel Brooke had been working on. She quickly looked over it, trying to figure out how far they had come.

"If you can cover me for just one more minute, I think I got this", she urged the group. "Start getting in the pod, and bring in Brooke and Ashley too"

Anya tried to move back onto her legs, but she was unsuccessful. She collapsed under the pain in her wounded leg.

"I can't.. I'm sorry-", she quickly excused. "I.. I don't think I can walk"

Dylan held the gun and pushed Alicia away from himself.

"Don't you think about trying anything", he threatened.

Alicia backed away, standing next to the door. Dylan picked up Ashley and brought her into the pod. He put her in one of the seats, and closed her seatbelt. Her head dropped, hanging over. Dylan went back into the room, and approached Anya.

"Come on". He crouched in front of her.

She held onto his back, leaning her chest onto it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enough to hold her still, but not cutting off his breathing. He slowly stood up, as to not fall, and then brought her into the pod. He put her down in the seat across the one he has put Ashley in. She slid off his back, then closed her seat belt.

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