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Cyan instinctively backed off from the three killers, until their arm gave in and they fell again. The trio didn't react strongly to this, and simply looked towards each other, saddened looks on their faces.

"Please... please don't hurt me!", Cyan whimpered

"No, don't worry", Tan reassured them. "We're not the enemy, Cyan"


"What happened on the SKELD...", Rose started. "We never meant for any of it"

"You... you killed everyone!"

"We had to, we had no other choice, you have to understand! Look, we'll explain more once the other one wakes up"

"Blue! Where is she?"

Tan gestured towards the opposite corner, where Blue's body was laid on its side.

"How... how can I trust that none of you three will kill me?", Cyan questioned

"Look at the way she's laying", Rose started. "They didn't lay her like that, we did"

"They just threw you two in, no second thoughts", White added. "If we hadn't moved her, she'd have choked on her tongue by now. We did it for you, too. If we wanted you dead, all we had to do was let you choke. Can you please trust us, at least until she wakes up again?"

It's true, they thought. If those guys wanted us dead, there would have been a far easier way than this. They wouldn't have kept me alive if they didn't want me alive...

"Alright then. I trust you"

Small smiles spread on the faces of the others.

"Thank you", Tan started. "Seriously, this means a lot. This place is going to suck you dry, might as well trust each other through it"

"Speaking of... what is this place?"

"That's part of the larger story that we'll explain once she wakes up"

"Fair enough"

"You know", White started. "We're not going by the colors here anymore. We're not on the SKELD anymore, so there's no point"

"That's not just it...", Rose added. "In a place like this, for me at least... it's just to remember who I am"

"Of course, of course...", Cyan agreed.

"I can start", Tan volunteered. "I'm Dylan. Dylan Yates. My sister, remember Coral? Her name is Ashley"

"My name is Trinity Grove". White was next. "And.. Gray, my partner, they're Harper Cawn"

"Guess it's me now", Rose continued. "I'm Alicia Allison"

"Nice to finally know you guys by name", Cyan finished off. "I'm Brooke Sparks"

Trinity's smile grew a little wider.

"I knew a Brooke", she revealed. "She was such a nice person, hope she's doing well"

Hearing this, Brooke smiled slightly too.

This quick moment of joy was short-lived. Now that the initial shock was setting in, Brooke was noticing a few more things. For example, nobody had their suits anymore. Everyone wore some variation of the same outfit: A tattered top with ripped shorts, and no shoes or anything covering thier feet.

And as much as they had been trying to ignore it, Brooke couldn't help but wonder what the weird pain in their chest was. But as they reached up to feel it, Dylan grabbed their wrist.

"Don't touch that", he warned.

"Why... what is it?", Brooke asked, anxiously.

As a response, Trinity lowered one side of her top slightly, revealing a picture burned into her skin. It was of a ship, sorrounded by various constellations, with a circle around it. Brooke's eyes widened slightly. Their gaze quickly moved up from Trinity's chest to her face.

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