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It had been a couple days since Rose's ejection. And although it may seem like everything would run smoothly now, that was far from the truth. As Cyan was the only engineer left on board, they would be running around and franctically trying to keep the ship running, on their own. They insisted Blue didn't help, as she had only medical experience and not engineering. But she knew this wouldn't work much longer.

Cyan hadn't slept since before that last ejection. They didn't allow themselves to stop, ever. Blue had tried to talk to them, offering her help, as limited as it may be. But Cyan had always turned her down.

"It's alright", they would lie. "I got this under control"

Of course, it was obvious that it wasn't true. The dark circles under their eyes kept growing deeper, they were irritable and aggressive, and running across the ship became an increasingly difficult task for them.

On the third day, it was it. Cyan was on their limit. They were barely concious. Even the tasks they did, they barely did them. There was no way this could go on... upon seeing this, Blue stopped Cyan in a hall.

"Cyan, we need to talk", she stated.

"Can it wait?", they mumbled. "I.. I still need to do these wires, and I have files to transfer, and-"

"No, it can't wait. You need to rest"

"I'm fine, really I am", Cyan yawned. Blue shook her head, disapprovingly.

"Sleeping a couple hours is not gonna kill anyone", Blue stood sternly in front of Cyan. "Actually, it'll do you good"

"Blue, seriously, it's fine", Cyan argued back

"I have seen white paint with more color than your face. Come on, just a few hours"

After a few more minutes of Blue's relentless offering, Cyan finally gave in. They stepped into their dorm, while Blue leaned on the doorframe.

"Need a sleeping pill? I have a few", she offered.

Cyan shook their head and mumbled something incomprehensible.

"Alright, just get some rest. Goodnight"

Blue then turned around and left, closing the door behind her.

Now alone in their dorm, Cyan laid down in their bed. Laying still for the first time in days, they instantly felt a wave of tiredness overcome them.

Huh, they thought. Didn't notice it was this bad...

They tried to formulate linear thoughts for some time, which didn't work out well. They fell asleep before they knew they had even closed their eyes.

When they woke up then next morning, it was an odd feeling. As if a hundred pounds had been removed from their back. They didn't move for a while, still barely awake. But as they laid in their bed, they quickly figure out something wasn't right. There were multiple sets of steps outside the door. But the only person out there was Blue...

Noticing this, they quickly got up and opened their door a crack. They didn't see anyone there, just the deserted hall. So they stepped outside, slowly. As they walked to Cafeteria, there was still no one there.

"Blue?", they called out.

But there was only silence. Growing increasingly worried, Cyan started walking towards the MedBay.

"Blue, are you in here?", they asked.

Again, silence. They then opened the door to head inside.

Blue was indeed in the MedBay. Her body laid on the ground, unconcious, her hair covering her face. A masked man stood over her holding an empty syringe.

As they had opened the door, the man had looked towards them, staring them into the eyes through the holes in his mask. They jumped back with fright, and collided with something else.

Before they could turn to see what they had bumped into, a gloved hand pressed in front of their mouth, holding them back. They shrieked in fear, but their voice was muffled. Their hands instantly went up to the one in front of their mouth, but it didn't budge.

Soon, there was a sharp pain in the side of their neck, followed by a cold feeling in the area. They tried to get away from it, but they weren't successful.

"Easy, now...", a deeper voice mumbled behind them.

The pain decreased very slightly. As Cyan managed to look to the side, they saw an empty syringe. It only took them a moment to figure out that they had been drugged.

Once they did realize, they tried to fight the drug, even though they felt it gradually cloud their mind. They were growing weaker, falling back into their attacker.

Keep your eyes open, Brooke, that's all that matters-

But they couldn't. The last thing they saw before their eyelids closed was the man in front of them crouching down and picking Blue up, throwing her body over his shoulder

We were in Electrical, doing our tasks. Serena stood next to me, downloading files onto their tablet to then send them to headquarters. I was connecting a set of wires, right next to them.

"Our landing cannot come soon enough...", they mumbled, slightly frustrated.

"Agreed", I replied. "We've risked too much more than what we were supposed to.."

Right at that moment, there was a footstep behind us. I turned around and saw Rose, standing nonchalantly against a wall

"Oh, hey", Serena greeted her. She didn't say anything back, just took another step ahead. If she had taken another, she'd be standing between us. I expected her to speak, or anything like that.

What I didn't expect is what happened next

It was all very fast, but I saw the silver shimmer slicing through the air, and I heard Serena shriek. I screamed too, as soon as I realized what had happened.

Rose was a killer

She had pulled a knife out of her pocket, and with that wide movement, she had made a deep slit in Serena's throat. The blood had stained both our suits. Serena quickly dropped to their knees, and I was quick to crouch next to them.

"No, no...", I had whispered, incredulous.

The blood pumped out of the wound, in rythm with their accelerating heartbeat. They tried to speak, or scream, or make any sound at all, but the blood running down their airways stopped them. Even though they were still conscious, their body was dead weight in my arms.

Their death was thankfully quick enough. One moment they were looking up at me, the next their eyes were rolled back into their head, and that was it. Rose, who had been watching the whole scene, ran out. She was calling out for Blue, and i knew immediately what this witch was planning. I stood up and ran after her...

Cyan gasped awake, their body aching. The sharp pain in the side of their neck lingered, as well as a weird feeling on the left side of their chest. Their vision was cloudy, the drug hadn't fully worn off. But there was one thing they immediately knew: this wasn't the SKELD. The walls were gray, panelled in metal.

"Oh, good, you're awake", a male voice spoke behind them.

They rapidly turned around and saw three people. At first they didn't recognize them without the suits, but it only took a few seconds.

Tan, White, and Rose sat behind them

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