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Brooke's eyes went round with shock. Dylan ran to the operating table, where he found a scalpel on the side. He began to cut the straps that held Brooke onto the chair.

"What's going on?!", Brooke called out, shocked.

"We're getting out of here", Dylan responded, hurriedly.

"What?! How?!"

"I don't care. We need to get out, and now's our chance"

He sliced through last strap, and helped Brooke get back on their feet.

"Here". He handed them the scalpel. "Come on, let's go. But please, quietly... I don't have any magazines for this thing"

"Why don't we take his?", Brooke asked, pointing to the guard on the floor. "It shoots with sedatives, but anything works to keep them out for at least a few minutes, no?"

Dylan stayed silent for a couple of seconds

"You know, that's... actually a good idea", he agreed.

And so he traded out his small handgun for the dead guard's larger one. He also made sure to search the body, and grab all the magazines he could find for his weapon.

"Come on, we need to hurry. I need to find Ashley, Lord knows where they're keeping her". Dylan quickly made his way towards the door.

"What about the others? Anya, Alicia, Trinity?", Brooke questioned.

"We can go back for them after, please"

"Dylan, think. If there's more of us that are able to fight, we're more likely to make it. And if that was Ashley I heard earlier, she's in no condition to fight"

Dylan bit his tounge, anxiously.

"Fine. Let's go get the others first"

So, the two snuck out the door and down the hall, holding their weapons at the ready. Thankfully, it was a short hallway, and they didn't meet anyone. They got to the cell door quickly and learned that, almost insultingly, the key was hung on a nail right outside the door. Brooke turned it in the lock and opened the door.

Everyone was sitting lined against the back wall. They were clearly expecting guards. But their faces lit up when they saw who it really was.

"Brooke!", Anya called out.

The three quickly stood up and walked towards the door.

"What happened?", Trinity asked.

"We don't have time right now, quick, we have to go!", Dylan hurried them along.

"What're we gonna do now?"

"We're getting the others"

"The... the others?"

"Come on, let's go!"

The group stealthed down the hall. Dylan went first, holding the gun, with the others following very closely. And soon, the intercom beeped, and there was an announcement over the speakers.

"Attention, please", a robotic voice spoke. "We have been informed of a breach from cell twenty-seven. Subjects may be armed. Don't make me do this myself"

The group quickly turned to face each other.

"Do you think that's us?", Brooke whispered.

"Likely", Trinity replied. "Unless someone else is also escaping in this exact moment, which is unlikely"

"Come on, we have to go", Anya encouraged. "The guards'll be here any second"

And as the group kept walking, Anya turned out to be right. Upon turning the corner, they were surprised by a group of guards. There weren't many, but they were all armed. Upon seeing them, the group immediately began to run

"Halt!", one of the guards yelled.

Upon being ignored, the group heard the clicking of three guns reload behind them, and driven by adrenaline, dashed around a corner and kept going. They didn't think about where, they only focused on two things: outrun the guards and don't get separated.

They took a left, a right, another right... nobody really kept track. They eventually stopped when there were no more shots heard in the halls.

"I think... I think we lost them", Anya panted, leaning her arms on her knees.

After a few seconds of heavy breathing, the group looked around, only to realize exactly how foreign this hall looked.

"Where are we?", Brooke asked. Dylan shrugged.

"I don't know, but we need to find the others, and fast", he stated.

The group snuck down the hall, Dylan still holding his weapon at the ready. The halls were very silent, despite the humming of the engine.

They soon ran into another pair of guards, who thankfully hand't seen them. Dylan looked first at them, then at his weapon.

What now?, Brooke mouthed.

Dylan pointed his gun at one of the guards' back. Immediately catching onto the plan, the others held their ears. Of course, they still heard the two shots, and still saw the guards' bodies fall over.

Now that the guards were down, the group quietly approached them. Trinity was quick to reach for one of the guns that were now on the floor. She then turned towards Anya

"Can you shoot?", she questioned. Anya shook her head

"I can". Alicia stepped in and picked up the other gun. As the two women gathered the magazines, the others looked around, trying to understand where they were.

When they were done, they rose again, then leaned on the wall

"What now?", Trinity asked. Brooke shook their head.

"I don't.. I don't know", they responded. "We need to find the others, but they could be anywhere-"

"What are we going to.."


Hearing her name called out behind her, Trinity instantly turned around, pointing her gun towards the unknown person, finger on the trigger. There stood a taller person, with pale skin, blonde hair, and red eyes. They wore the same ragged clothes as everyone else, exposing the countless wounds on their body. As Trinity saw them, her jaw dropped with joy


Somebody Among Us- To The Starsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें