Separate Paths

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Brooke thought back at their examination, and everything made sense. That's why those men wouldn't hurt them! They needed everything to be in good condition. And that's why they wouldn't kill them, it would be a waste. So... so this meant, if they didn't get out soon-

"Brooke, we need to get you out of here", Trinity whispered.

"We all need to get out", Brooke responded. "I'm not the only one who's in danger, right?"

"No, but apparently you're a match for whatever demand they need to meet"

"With blood types, yes", Anya repeated. "You didn't happen to read what yours is, did you?"

"Yeah, they wrote O+ on that pack", Brooke recalled. "Why?"

"That explains. O+, you guys can only get donations from other Os."

"But why? Why organ trafficking?", Alicia brought up. "Surely, it must be so much trouble for them"

"Why? Because some organs are worth more than their weight in gold, Alicia", Anya explained. "The average black market sells human kidneys for around two-hundred-fifty-K a pop"

"I'm not gonna ask how you know that-", Brooke commented

"But they must need so many to keep this whole thing running, no?", Alicia added

"There's many of us. Haven't you been hearing it, everyone on the other side of that wall?", Anya questioned

"So what do we do?", Trinity questioned, worriedly.

"It's late now. I think we need to try and rest, for now", Anya added. "But we need to get out of here, and quickly"

"But how?"

"Still figuring that one out"

The group collectively went off into their own corners, to sleep. But no matter how hard they tried, Brooke could never sleep. It was never an  easy task, of course, but this time was worse than usual. Dylan, who also couldn't sleep, noticed and got next to them.

"Can't sleep?", he asked. They shook their head.

"How could anyone?", they whispered.

"I don't blame you"

"So, what's troubling you? Why are you up?"

"It's... we hear plenty of screams, we're basically desensitized at this point, aren't we?"


"But this one I heard today. I don't even want to think about it, it's awful, but... it sounded so much like Ashley... I'm scared it might have been her"

Brooke stayed silent, unsure of what to say.

"I don't want it to be her", Dylan continued. "I can't bear the thought... I still remember when she first got here. They... they tortured her, right in front of me"

"Oh no, that's awful...", Brooke whispered, genuine.

"And I couldn't help her. She's so young, you know. She's got a life ahead of her. So do we"

"It's true. And so I wonder, how can this be fair...?"

"It's not. It can't be. And Alicia, her son is here. He's just a teen"

"A teen... they're taking children, too..."

"He doesn't deserve this. None of us do"

Again, Brooke went silent. So did Dylan. The two simply sat quietly, until Brooke spoke again.

"I should probably sleep. If I'll be having my organs harvested tomorrow, might as well give them some rest, no?", they joked, cracking a forced smile.

Dylan chuckled a little too, but quickly stopped.

"Alright then", he responded. He backed off and headed off into another corner.

The next day was nothing out of the ordinary. Not the one after either. Of course, everyone knew it was only a matter of time, and this wait was agonizing. One day, the guards dragged out Alicia, but she came back soon, perfectly fine. She refused to disclose what happened. In the meantime, they kept thinking up escape plans, each more impossible than the last.

Alicia suggested they retry the vent, but she was quickly vetoed by both Anya and Trinity. Brooke suggested they make a dash for it when the guards bring them food, but Dylan quickly repeated the warning he has given them when they first came, about how they'd be shot. Eventually it felt like everyone's hopes had just been drained.

And then, it happened. One morning, the prisoners were awaken by the guards opening the heavy door.

"Sparks, Yates, up", they ordered.

Brooke and Dylan looked at each other. Brooke was terrified, while Dylan was confused. But both obeyed. They were handcuffed again and led away.

They guards dragging Brooke soon pulled them in through a door on the side of the hall. They looked over at Dylan, imploringly, before they were pulled aside. The other kept dragging him, and soon he realized were he was headed. This was where last time... Ashley...

Once he realized, it was too late. The guard opened the door and pushed him inside. There were two carabiners on the walls, opposite from each other, and the room was full of horrific tools. There was a warm furnace in the corner, with the blade of a knife inside, glowing with heat. There were knife racks on the walls, with many cruel blades along it. Against one of the corners, there was a singular baton, probably the same kind used on Anya days before.

At this point, Dylan tried to fight back, but he was unsuccessful. The guard managed to chain Dylan using one of the carabiners, and then locked it in place afterwards. The guard stayed and watched as Dylan tried to escape, but to no avail.

And after a few seconds, the door opened again, and Ashley was dragged into the room

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