Voluntary Demise

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Upon seeing Harper, Trinity dropped her gun instantly. Harper ran towards her, and into her arms. She held them tightly, face sunk into their shoulder. The rest of the group smiled lovingly, not interfering with this heartwarming scene.

"I.. I thought I'd never see you again", Trinity cried.

"I know, but it's alright. I'm here now", Harper whispered back.

Trinity looked up at Harper, placed her hands on either side of their face, and pulled them in.

After a few seconds, the two finally separated again. Harper looked over the rest of the group, smiling.

"Sorry about that", they quickly apologized.

"No, don't be", Anya stopped them. "It's great to see you again, Harper"

Harper nodded back at Anya.

"We need to get out of here, all of us", Alicia reminded.

"Do you know where Ashley is?", Dylan asked. Harper's expression darkened

"I.. I do know, but she's.. uhm.. it's complicated", they replied

"Then come on, where is she?"

"Follow me"

And with that, the group set off once again, following Harper. They stopped when, all of a sudden, there was a scream coming through one of the doors.

"Why are we stopping?", Dylan asked.

"Whoever's in here, we should save them", Brooke suggested. "Nobody deserves what goes on here"

"I know, but.. Brooke, we have no idea who that could be"

"It doesn't make a difference to me, Dylan. Who's with me?"

Trinity, Harper, and Anya all quickly raised their hands. Alicia and Dylan looked at each other, bitterly outnumbered.

"Fine then", Dylan conceded.

The group got in front of the door, Trinity and Alicia standing on either side.

"Okay, you open and we barge in", Alicia laid out. Dylan, standing in front of the door, nodded.

"And one more thing", Trinity added. She turned towards Harper, Anya, and Brooke. "You three are unarmed, so stay back"

And so they did. They took a couple steps to the sides, quickly getting out of the way.

"Ready?", Dylan asked. The two women at the door nodded.

"Alright then", he continued. "Three, two, one!"

On one, he quickly pressed on the door handle and dashed inside, holding his gun up. Alicia and Trinity were fast to show up around the corners, weapons aimed inside. There were a few gunshots, yells, then silence, interrupted occasionally by quiet whimpering.

"Coast cleared!", Trinity called out.

The rest of the group rushed inside. They were quick to go for the chair, where the victim was tied down. Harper and Brooke immediately began unstrapping her.

It was an unknown girl. Her hair was matted with dirt and blood, to the point where it was hard to distinguish her ginger color. She was tired and malnourished, her pale skin stretched tightly over her bones. She had tears at her bloodshot eyes, running down her face. She was covered in wounds, unsurprisingly.

"Shh, it's alright. We're getting you out", Anya reassured her quietly, grabbing hold of her hand.

"No... no, I'm staying", the girl hiccuped, weakly.

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