Unexpected Sacrifice

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As the heavy door opened, the prisoners immediately turned around to look up at it. They saw one of the guards walking in as he held the two weapons and the water. He stopped in front of the door, looking around the room. His gaze stopped at the vent, which, as expected, was open. He then turned to look down at the prisoners.

"I'm gonna give the four of you one chance, so listen carefully", he said, sternly. "The vent. Who thought to open it?"

The prisoners stayed completely silent.

"Oh, it's like that?", the guard cooed, mocking them. "Well, I see how it is. Bring her in!"

The other guard came in through the door, carrying Anya over his shoulder. She was concious, but barely. As the other prisoners saw her, their expressions melted. The guard closed the door behind him, then stepped towards the far wall.

Using a hook on the wall, he chained Anya to the wall using her handcuffs and a carabiner. She was slumped against the wall, head hanging over, still drugged out of her mind.

One guard then handed the other one of his weapons. He hit the button, which caused a low hum to come from the weapon itself. And, from the bottom, a small string of electricity appeared between the two prongs.

"Last chance. Will any of you five tell us whose idea it was?", the guard insisted.

Nobody replied.

"Alright then. Guess we're doing this the harder way".

The guard holding the jug poured it over Anya, dousing her in saltwater. She instantly gasped from the shock as she was soaked in the cold liquid. One guard then took the baton, and clicked it a couple times, to expose the electric tip. He then swung his weapon, hitting her on her arm.

She shrieked in pain, not just from the violent swing, but from the shock administered on contact. All the others in the group backed off with fear, now pressing themselves against the wall. The guard didn't allow Anya much time before he swung again, this time hitting her on the leg.

And he wouldn't stop. Every swing would be quickly followed by the woman screaming, as the impact and shock caused her more and more pain. The others were all lined up against the wall, terrified to make a single move. They don't dare to look, or try to react. It had only been about a minute, when Trinity stood up.

"Stop it! Please, leave her alone, she's innocent!", she called out.

The guards stopped for a moment, looking towards her.

"Well, do you plan on telling us who it was?", the guard asked her, smugly.

Trinity looked down at Anya. She had her eyes closed, tears running from them. She had several burns on her skin, from where the prongs had sent the shocks through her. Her breathing was shallow, and her whole body shaking. Trinity then looked back up at the guards.

"It... it was me", she whispered, shaking in fear

As she said it, the other prisoners all looked up at her, instantly, including Anya. The guards smiled, satisfied.

"Is that so?", one of them grinned, as the other approached her. "In that case, I think you'll be coming with us"

The one near her pulled her away from the others, and towards the door. The other stayed behind for a moment and unchained Anya from the wall. With her wrists no longer being pulled up, she fell to the floor. The guards dragged Trinity away, closing the heavy door behind them. As soon as the door was closed again, the group rushed towards Anya

"Anya... are you alright?", Brooke asked carefully. Anya tried to slowly push herself up, and Dylan rushed to help her.

"I'll be fine...", she mumbled. She looked down at herself, looking at the burns on her arms and legs. Her fingers and hands were still twitching, from the electricity coursing through her muscles.

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