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Wednesday • January 4, 2023Location • New York City

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Wednesday • January 4, 2023
Location • New York City.


The dark, raw and bloody lifestyle I was raised in made people cower just thinking about it. All the death, all the blood, all the torture, and all the danger.

But I loved it. I loved everything about the life I had. And I love the power I feel when I see my bullets whizzing through the air to only embed itself into someone's head a second later. It was this entire body emotion you felt when you finally pulled the trigger; the jitters in your limbs, the quiver in your jaw from anticipation, and how you were rooted into one place as you just watched. You just watched, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight.

I've always been a little - off, I guess. I wasn't ever a normal girl, as I found more interest in the dark aspects of life and rather than watching shows with my friends, I was down in the basement with my mother and father as I watched them mercilessly torture their enemies. It was fun for me to watch these horrible people get what they deserved, whether that was being tortured for hours on end, or quickly being shot in the head to end their suffering.

I shot a guy in the head when I was eight. Just thought to let you know. That was the first person I ever killed, and it just went downhill from there.

My parents raised me to be who I am today; the second most lethal mercenary and assassin in the world. The absolute best assassin out there was someone who went by the alias 'Spandaramet'. When I found out there was another assassin out there, and that they were better than me, I started to idolize this mysterious person. No one knew who they were, they made quiet kills gory enough to catch the attention of everyone, they weren't ever seen on security cameras, weren't ever seen leaving the scene, it was as if they disappeared.

It was fascinating how someone could have such a large influence in the underground community, but they never made it their mission to become known. If you get what I'm saying.

Anyways, my parents trained me themselves, giving me each of their knowledge on all aspects of life. Although I'm specialized in many different aspects of combat, weaponry and medicine, I'm the absolute best when it comes to guns. I've always been fascinated by the lethal weapons, have been since I first saw a sniper when I was six, and a year later I started to finally train.

I've been trained in almost every category of combat; let it be Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Judo, or Wrestling. And after ten years of continuous training, learning multiple different languages, and mastering my weaponry skills, you tend to get bored. It was a horrible feeling, really, and I relied on fun and the threat of death hanging over me every possible second, because without that, life wouldn't be exciting for me.

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