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Wednesday • January 4, 2023Location • Romano Residence

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Wednesday • January 4, 2023
Location • Romano Residence


Dinner with the Romano's.

This wasn't a rare occurrence, never has been, so I could only wonder why my body was burning up with so much anxiety. I've known all the siblings since we were in elementary school, I frequently go over to their house after school to hang out with them or I stay the night, and I love their parents like my own, so all I could do was question as to why I feel like - this.

My stomach was in the tightest of knots, my hands were shaking and a light sweat coated the back of my neck. I didn't like this feeling - the anxiety, it was intrusive and wasn't welcome in the comfort of my own body. And it never would be, not when there isn't an actual reason as to why it was targeting me.

I've never been one to be anxious either, ever in my entire life. When you have parents that work with the least legal things, like shipping money and drugs and artillery across the world to our allies, you don't ever have time to be nervous. You don't get to shake and convulse at the sight of a dead body and you certainly don't flinch at the sounds of death, it's something you get used to over time. You don't get to cry and feel remorse for what you do to the enemies, not even when they begin pleading for their life.

And, well - I was born into this fucking mess, no escape clear. But I didn't mind, I survived better when there was violence, blood and death, anything to do with it and I was relishing in it.

The mess my parents birthed me into made me into who I was, the second most lethal assassin in the entire world. I haven't thanked them enough. You'd thank your parents too if they put you on this earth to rid it of all the bad. And I still needed to meet the most feared assassin, it's been a dream of mine since I ranked high up in the top ten.

As the anxiety I had been feeling before only heightened, my mind wandered down a familiar path it's been traveling down all day. All the thoughts were about Hera, and I wasn't really mad about it.

She was a mysterious person, and I wanted to get to know her. After lunch I didn't see a single glimpse of her for the rest of the day, so I came to the conclusion that she had left early, it was safe to say I was quite disappointed. I didn't blame her though, I'd do the exact same thing if my mother didn't have to pay the principal to keep me there.

Hera was like a magnet, and I wanted to be as close to her as possible. I wanted her eyes on me - those dark, endless eyes that were shrouded with the darkest of shadows. I wanted to know why her eyes held so much - pain and secrets and mysteries. I could already tell she was a guarded person, and I wanted to know why.

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