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Wednesday • January 4, 2023Location • New York City

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Wednesday • January 4, 2023
Location • New York City.


"The shipments of our drugs, money, and artillery we were sending to the Turkish Mafia got stolen, not sure when or by who, but Myra is searching the boats security cameras for any information." Ajax Lykaios, a trusted friend of mine said, apparent nervousness written about on his face.

Another shipment stolen in a week. It was annoying to say the least, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I killed the previous Armenian Mafia Leader, and that story is for another time. It was expected for people to steal from me and they thought they were brave for doing so, but it never ended prettily for them. Never.

Usually they'd get tortured for days on end; drugged, skinned, burned, beaten, whatever was needed to make them talk. And most of the time the people did talk when the pain got too much, though that didn't make me be any less lenient like they hoped it would.

Sometimes, when I was feeling nice, I'd just shoot them in the face or slit their throats. Most of the time I chose the latter.

The blood was the best part aside from the noises they made. Screaming. I loved loved loved when they shrieked as I slid my pretty blades across their tainted flesh, it was exhilarating slitting and cutting them up. Just thinking about the ways I'd torture the person stealing from me sent chills skittering down my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

My mind conjured up ideas instantly, and I didn't know how I'd choose between my choices when the time came.

A sigh tore through my mouth as I rubbed at the aching tension in my neck, anger slicing through the calm exterior I wore. "Okay, but where were the guards that I had assigned to watch the boat, that they were on for the matter? I trained them to their limits so they would be able to protect themselves and the others around them, but we somehow got stolen from? Tell me why, " I chided, lolling my head to the side in boredom.

I had better things I could've been doing, like killing the fucker that decided they were brave enough to take my shipments from me. Most of the time my work gets in the way of my fun, but at times you have to pick which one would be more important at the time.

I heard him scoff to himself, seemingly trying to be quiet, but I heard him. "They were sniped, Hera. Sniped from over three-thousand miles. Did you even fucking trai-"

He was going to say something I wouldn't have been okay with, and would've most likely made me lash out on him, so I cut him off with a short, condescending laugh, the tone to it entirely mocking.

"Ajax, you have no right to speak of me that way when I was the one to get you off of the streets. I trained you to where you are today, I gave you a place to live, family and friends for Gods sake, you have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life. I can take all of that away in mere seconds, and you know that. Just because I tolerate and love you, doesn't mean I won't hurt you somehow, հասկանալ?"

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