Chapter 13: One is All, All is One (Part 1)

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This chapter was seen a day early by members of the Discord channel.


Deep breaths, [Name]. You told yourself. 

Yet, despite how many times you repeated it, the nervousness never left. With the way he was staring... Did he not recognise you? Finally, you gathered the courage to break the silence.

"Hello, mister Sig. It's been a while."

"[Name] and Ed... Right?" He asked in return. 

You all stayed silent for a moment before Sig suddenly grabbed both of your heads with the strength of a hundred men. For a second, you really thought he was going to crush your head like an empty beer can, only for him to give you two a head pat. 

"Good to see you. You've gotten big."

Not if you keep squishing me... You grumbled in your mind.

Sig's eyes turned to the one person left. "And who is this?"

"It's me, Alphonse. It's good to see you again." Sig paused for a moment before patting him on the head as well. 

"I see... You've really gotten big." While Al was too busy being moved by Sig's show of physical affection, the man was talking to you, asking about the reason for your sudden visit.

"There was something we wanted to ask our teacher."

"Okay, then. Come with me." Sig mentioned, turning to the door. "Mason, watch the store, will you?"

"Yes, sir!"


The four of you walked to the back of the house, with you trying to start a conversation to stop the somewhat awkward silence. "How's our teacher doing?" It's been years since you saw each other and for the entire time you've known her, she hasn't exactly been the picture of health.

"Not so bad, considering her condition." Sig leaned on one of the opened windows. "Hey, Izumi, the Elric kids and [Last name] girl are here."

From the room came a voice you were familiar with. Her tone was soft and somewhat weak. "Ed, Al and [Name]?"

"Can you get up?"

"I think so. I feel a little better today." Well, now you just felt bad. You guessed that she was sleeping because she wasn't feeling well. Perhaps she fell ill again.

The somewhat sombre tone was quickly flipped on its head when the door was - quite literally - kicked open and Ed was kicked in the face, causing him to crash into you, and the both of you were sent flying. Al, who managed to dodge the kick, was shaking and holding onto the house for dear life, hoping that another attack wasn't coming.

"Well, if it isn't my foolish apprentices. I hear a lot of rumours about you three, even out here in Dublith." Though you were still recovering from your untimely near-death, you could still make out that all-too-familiar booming voice. "So you've stooped so low as to become a dog of the military, have you?"

Unsatisfied with your lack of response, she yelled out, demanding an answer. She only stopped when Sig pointed out your and Ed's state of going in and out of consciousness. "And who are you in the armour?"

Al immediately froze up at the question, afraid that the same fate would befall him. "It- it's me, Alphonse."

Izumi, upon recognising Al's voice, did a complete 180 on her mood. She smiled as she extended her hand towards the armour boy, which he quickly took, commenting about how she hadn't changed at all. But once again this moment of levity did not last. As soon as Al grasped Izumi's hand, she gripped on tight - much tighter than one would for a handshake - and rather easily flipped the young boy over onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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