Chapter 3: City of Herecy (Part 2)

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Last time: Hearing rumours about a priest capable of preforming miracles, [Name], Edward and Alphonse head for the church of Leto in Liore. They find out that the priest, Father Cornello, has been using alchemy to fool his followers ito believeing he is the emissary of their God. When they go to confront the false priest about his lies, Cornello reveals the Philosopher's stone, the item he's been using to boost his alchemy. Torn between the truth and her beliefs, Rose chooses to side with the powerhungry priest, in hopes he will be able to bring her darling back to life. In a fight against a chimera, Edward and [Name] reveal their metal appendages, much to the shock of Rose and Cornello.


"... I see. Now I understand who you are. It was always a mystery to me why a mere brat had a fearsome alias like "Fullmetal" or "Steel Arm". But now I know..." Cornello said to himself as he stared at yours and Ed's metal prosthetics shortly before turning to Rose. "Look at them, Rose! Those children dared to do the one thing forbidden to alchemists... The unspeakable crime of human transmutation! THEY HAVE COMMITTED THE WORST POSSIBE SIN!"

As Rose stared on in horror, words that Edward said to her before sprung to mind. "He made wings out of wax so he could fly. But when he got too close to the sun... To God... The wax melted and he crashed to the ground." When Ed first said that, Rose didn't have a clue as to what he was trying to say, other than to make her question her faith, but now that she saw the automail limbs, she knew better. She knew what Ed had really wanted to say.

"You're right. We did attempt human transmutation." You admited. There was no point in hiding the truth from Rose or Cornello. "We tried to make the impossibe possible. But we failed."

That's when Al stepped in. "Each of us lost things that day. Ed lost his leg, I lost my body and even [Name] lost both of her arms. Even after the horrible injury my older brother suffered, he exchanged his right arm for my soul and put it in this suit of armor."

"We tried to resurrect one person and this is what happened..." Ed jumped in on the conversation, adding his own part of the story. "This is what it takes to raise the dead, Rose. Are you ready to make that sacrifice?!"

Cornello laughed. "And you call yourselves State Alchemists! Don't make me laugh!"

"Shut up! You're just a third-rate hack who can't do anything without that stone!"

Despite Ed's words, Cornello didn't try to defend himself. "I see, I see... So that's why you want the Philosopher's Stone. Good idea. If you used this, you might be able to transmute humans for real, eh?" Cornello chuckled to himself.

"Don't get the wrong idea, baldy! The reason we want the stone is to get our original bodies back." Ed corrected the priest. "Besides, we still don't know if it'll even be able to do that!"

"Father, I'll ask you again. Give us the stone before you get hurt." Al asked politely, only to be shot down on his suggestion.

Cornello lifted his cane and with the power of the Philosopher's Stone, transmuted the wooden object into a metal machiene gun. "Heh heh... You fools are the ones who came too close to God and fell to earth... If that's the case, then I'll make sure..." The priest pointed the loaded weapon at you three. "... To send you to God permanently!"

Without even hesitating, Cornello pulled the trigger, letting loose a storm of deadly bullets headed straight at you three. However, in his maddness, he didn't even notice that Rose was still down there, or that his bullets weren't doing anything. As the dust and smoke cleared, the mad priest saw a large stone wall laced with bullet markings right where the alchemists were. "Sorry. God doesn't like me very much. Even if I went he'd probably chase me away!" Ed said from behind the stone wall that both you and Ed transmuted in order to protect yourselves, much to Cornello's dismay.

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