Chapter 2 : City of Herecy (Part 1)

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Last time: In her early years, [Name] learned that she was Quirkless and couldn't stand up to the ones who had powers. Despite feeling all alone in a world filled with superhumans, she had one friend, who was just like her. When she discovered alchemy, she became obsessed with learning the science fro a far-off land. In time, she and her father moved to Amestris, hoping to learn more, but thereby leaving behind her only true friend. Even though she won't see him for a long time, she promissed to return to Japan when she had mastered alchemy. After the death of Trisha, she, Ed and Al tryed to bring her back through alchemy. However, their transmutation failed, costing them more than they could bargain. Now the three are on a mission to restore their bodies back to normal.


The train rattled as it moved along the tracks towards its destination. Everything was peaceful and calm during this time of the day, as the sun had just barely risen over the far-off horizon. Despite the shaking of the train, you were sound asleep in your seat next to the window. You were't the only one catching some zzz's. Right across from your seat, there was another one, with Al sitting quietly and Ed sleeping next to him. It was actually a nice, peaceful moment until Al saw a large marble white stuckture with a tall tower surrounded by smaller houses off in the distance.

Feeling someone shake your shoulder ever so slightly, you were brought out of your comatose state. Lifting your head, you saw Al also trying to wake his brother up. From what he was whispering, you gathered that you were about to reach your destination, Liore.


Lifting up the glass to your lips, you took a sip of the crystal clear water in it. Next to you, Ed was chowing down on his food, clearly enjoying the taste. "So what are you? Street preformers or something?" the man running the local food stand asked. Ed was so taken back by the man's comment that he spat out the orange juice in his mouth.

"Are you serious, pops? Do we look like street preformers to you?" Ed asked the man, slightly offended at the older man's comment.

"Well, who else could you be?" the lanky man retorted, "You don't look like you're from around here. On a trip?"

"Yeah. We're looking for something important." You awnsered, but not giving away too much information on what you were looking for and why.

"Well, I hope you find it." the man said, before turning on the radio above his head. "Speaking of important, time for some soul food." The second the radio was turned on, a broadcast started.

"Children of God who dwell on the Earth..." the clearly male voice came through the speakers. "There is no salvation without prayer and faith. The sun god Leto will illuminate the path. Behold! The lord hath descended from his heavenly throne to save thee from all thy sins. For I am thy father..."

The words he spoke caught your intrest, along with Ed's and Al's. All across the town you heard the broadcast echo among the scilence. It looked like the entire town stopped whatever they were doing in a moments notice in order to listen to the radio. "I am the emissary of the sun god..."

"A religous broadcast on the radio?" Al asked himself as he listened to the radio.

""Emissary of the sun god"? What the heck is that?" Ed thought out loud.

Feeling curious yourself, you turned towards the shop keeper. "Excuse me, what is this broadcast?" It seemed like your question started both him and the townspeople around you.

"Waht? You've never heard of Father Cornello?" the man asked stunned, to which you three just asked who this guy was. All of the other people around you stared at you in shock, as if not knowing who this guy was was some kind of sin. They told you about how he was a man who came to their little desert town a few years ago and taught them all the ways of God and brought them prosparity.

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