Chapter 5: Rain of Sorrows

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Last time: In order to learn more about the field of bio alchemy, Edward, Alphonse and [Name] visited the house of Shou Tucker; the Sewing-Life Alchemist. There, they befriended Tucker's young daughter Nina and her dog Alexander. The day of Tucker's annual assessment was drawing near and in his desperation to pass, he used Nina and Alexander to create a talking chimera. Knowing that nothing he could do would bring Nina back, Ed was griefstrikken by his own powerlessness.


"Mum! Mum!" The young blond boy yelled out as he ran outside. "Mum, come look!"

"What is it, Edward?" The beautiful, smiling woman asked as she picked the ripe, red tomatoes from her garden. Kneeling down, the woman faced her eldest son, still only around 5 years old.

"It's a present!" The boy said, holding out a silver toy horse. "I transmuted it! I put it together with alchemy!"

"Y-you did? I guess you do take after your father! Thank you, Edward. You really are special. Being able to create something so wonderful..." Trisha said as she pat her son's head. The mood quickly grew grim as the tomatoes Trisha was holding fell onto the ground, splattering into a red, blood-like substance. "But it's too bad... You couldn't put me together back too."

Looking up towards his mother, all Edward saw was the horrifying monster that he created when he attempted human transmutation. "This isn't..." Hearing a familiar voice, Edward turned around to see both the suit of armor his brother's soul was trapped in, holding [Name] as blood dripped onto the floor from her missing arms.

"Al? [Name]?"

"This isn't your... Fault... YoUR fAULt... Y-yourfault... Y O U R F A U L T...." In just a few seconds, both [Name] and Al started to deform and transmutation marks spread across their bodies before being deconstructed.

"Big brother." Turning around once more, Ed saw both Nina and Alexander standing next to each other. But before he could do or say anything, the two fused together. "Let's play." The chimera said as it charged at the young alchemist.


Waking up in a cold sweat, Edward sat up on his bed in the hotel he was staying at while in East City. After having calmed down a little, he pulled his left leg closer to himself, gripping it tightly. The sound of the rain outside seemed to be calming, but only stirred up more depressed feelings and thoughts inside. Looking over to his left, he saw both Al and [Name], awake. Al was sitting on the floor and [Name] was sitting on her bed, same place and in the same position as last night.

"Are you OK, brother?" The suit of armor asked the older brother, to which he replied with a shake of the head. Turning his eyes over to [Name], Edward noticed the dark bags under her eyes.

"Were you up all night?"

"I couldn't sleep." She replied.


The rain followed you three as you walked into East City's H.Q. You stood and stared at the large pair of wooden doors that separated the hallway from Mustang's office, internally debating whether you should even go in there. But just as you were about to turn around and leave, the doors opened. "Edward! [Name]!"

Turning around, you saw a familiar blonde woman. "What are you doing here so early?"

"Oh... First Lieutenant Hawkeye." Edward said. "Uh... Um... I wanted to know... What's going to happen to Tucker and Nina?"

Riza stood there, silently, for a few seconds, as if debating if she should tell you or not. "Tucker was scheduled to have his licence revoked and then taken to Central to be put on trial... But they both died." She said, shocking the three of you. "Or to put it more accurately, they were killed. You guys would have found out eventually, even if we tried to hide it, so I might as well tell you now."

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