Chapter Four - "Inolesco"

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My time in the forest has done me well. I've been training myself, of course risking myself to the many creatures that lurk in the darkness. I didn't realize so many spiders lived in the forest. But it was nothing for me to deal with. But this past week has been nothing but training, talking to Fig, classes.....and Sebastian.

He's been giving me help with some classes, but nothing more than what the topic was and a "Hi/Bye". He's hiding something.

Or he's simply not interested in me, not even as an acquaintance. Ominis, on the other hand, seems to be my one friend so far in the school year to be patient and caring towards me. How can he tolerate Sebastian?

From a distance Sebastian is so outgoing towards others. He also likes to flirt with every girl he sees.

But he hasn't done anything like that towards me. It has started to feel a bit awkward between us after what he last said to me in charms on our first day.

"Even if you try to run from me.....I'll still be around."

My body felt a tingle, deep down in my stomach as I bit my lip of the thought of him just following me around, looking at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. I knew something in me wanted to be around him, even if it was a platonic relationship, my mind tells me I need to be around him.

But lunch was no place to have these thoughts. Last time I had lunch here in the hall was with Imelda and Sebastian on the first day. But now, it seems as though I never see them. Especially together, which seemed odd. They must have been good friends to have been around each other so much, which is what it seems with Sebastian and all the other girls. Never seems to be alone.

I sat with my head tilted to the right, eyeing my food as I played with it. People began to talk more around me, seeming to have stopped the awkward barrier of me being the new fifth year.

However, I heard Imelda's and Sebastian's name mentioned by others in the table. Seems as though they got into an argument of some sort. I simply brushed away the conversation and returned to playing with my food when I heard something that caught my attention

"Apparently, Sebastian was over her and didn't want to be with her anymore." One girl whispered

I peeked over to the group down the table and felt myself grip my fork. I don't know why, but there was something in me that did not like what I heard.

"Oh please, he's way too good for her. He probably saw her as a downgrade anyway. I know he's looking at someone else, Isandra told me so." One girl chimed in as she giggled.

I sat up, grabbing my things and heading out to make my way to the courtyard. I needed some air.

I made my way over to the covered area of the courtyard, stopping to sit at a bench. I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes as I took in the feeling of the breeze coming in, letting bits of my lose hair swish in the wind.

My braid really needed an update, it's all I've known how to do, so I never saw any reason to change it.

But my moment of peace seemed to have ended when I heard someone coming up to me. I opened my eyes, and once I caught a glimpse of who it was, I sat straight up. It was Sebastian of all people. First time I've seen him without a group of girls screaming over him for his validation.

"So, is this the place where young, vulnerable girls come to hang out?" His voice was smooth, but not low like how he talked to me in charms. It was new, it was refreshing.

"Well, for your information, I'm not so vulnerable. I can take care of myself. And besides, this is the first time you've actually spoken to me all week. How do you know if I'm not capable to fend off vicious creeps?" I had a smirk grow, crossing my arms as I looked over is features, taking notice of as much as I could in the moment.

His eyes seemed to light up at the comment and he couldn't help the small laugh that left his lips. "You've got me there. I can't blame you for thinking I'm one of those vicious creeps. How about we start over." He sat next to me on the bench, his back keeping straight and his eyes on me.

"The names Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin." His voice was charming, and as he spoke, he extended his hand out. I took his hand, smiling softly as he seemed to pull it close to his lips.

"My names Y/N....Y/N Reid." My cheeks felt hot.

He kissed the back of my hand.

He chuckled, looking at my hand as he slowly made his eyes look to mine, "Well Ms. Reid, it certainly is a pleasure to meet you."

My face could definitely give away what I was feeling, because he started to laugh to himself, letting my hand rest back on my lap. "I do apologize. I seem to have worked my dripping good charm on you." He said with a bit of a teasing tone.

I felt everything melt away, and all I could do was laugh. He stared as I tried to hide my smile with my hand. As I calmed down, he tilted his head some and motioned to my hand, "Why cover such a charming smile?"

My laugh was gone at this point, placing my hand back on my leg, "Well, I do appreciate the compliment. However, I have reasons that may be beyond your understanding." I tried to be as polite and as reserved as possible.

This was my first real conversation with him and he seemed to be a flirtatious one. Maybe that's how he talks to every girl? Ha...Why would I be any different?

Sebastian simply nodded, standing and adjusting his robe, "Well, I hope to see you at dinner. Ominis will be joining me. He says you make for good company."

And with that, he was gone.

I sat there on that bench, thinking over our little conversation as I tried my best to hide my big smile. He finally talked to me.

The awkwardness can finally be a thing of the past. Maybe he will grow on me.

Or I to him.

Fragile Shadows // Sebastian Sallow x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now