Chapter 11

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It was still day when I looked out the window , I crossed my arms and sighed . "Another date night , Im surprised your not letting me join you .. That hurt me ." I turned around . "Oh please . You messed up last time . Your annoying as fu-" I looked at her , my lips parted from my response to her current action . She stood by a mirror and fixed a bow she wore around her smokey neck . "What are you doing ? Your not coming !" I snapped . "Oh please , I'm your curse I can go anywhere where you go it's simple ! And I'm coming with you if you like it or not !" I scowled .
"I'll stay quiet I promise ! Just once paintbrush ! ... s'il te plaît ?"
"Oh yay ! I won't even bother you !"
"Better not." I could tell she was lying . But she would of came anyway and I couldn't fight her off . She was just- stuck by me . Testtube told me not to let her get too controlling over my thoughts after all . I couldn't just stop listening to her . 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝙸 ?

Dusk set over the horizon and I got a message from Lightbulb.

Hi painty ! I'm at our little hideout , Hurry up and get over here >:(

Fine , on my way bulb :)

Yay ! See you there !
Cya !

I sensed a familiar somebody reading the messages , "oh go away déuisement . Our conversations are not interesting , well to you ." I brushed past her shoulder . "Aw man . Sure they are ." I rolled my eyes and pressed a button in the lift . Our 'hideout' was in a spare room on the second floor , It had a bunch of stuff what we both liked in there .

I walked through the hall and Déuisemt ran forwards . "This is gonna be so good , just wait until you kiss huh ? Aww somebody's gone red and we haven't even opened the door !" I opened the door and Lightbulb sat on the bed . Somehow Haze was with her .. "hey Painty ! Look who I have !" She was so happy to see me .. I smiled and shut the door . 'Forgetting' déuisement was outside still . But it wasn't like she was seen by everyone . It was only my sight . I sat beside her . "So whatya wanna do ? I got games and stuff if you wanna go against me ." She snickered . She leaned forward in confusion . "Just me or did that box just drop on the floor on its own ?" I looked over to where she pointed . "Oh- oh it's maybe just you ." I spoke a bit louder to warn déuisement to stop messing with stuff .

"I win again ! Told you I'm better !" Lightbulb shuffled the cards again . "Silly crab shes got here huh .. don't ignore me paintbrush. Don't-don't ignore me !!" Déuisement whined and poked my shoulder to get my attention , I just shuffled over away from her . Which started to irritate her by her actions and word choices . "Chienne." I rolled my eyes . "Dont chienne me." I muttered under my breath . "You okay painty ?" I flinched . "Oh I'm fine don't worry ." She smiled and handed me my cards . I picked them up . "You really should tell her you love her or something . But I'm still gonna be there and maybe bother you . Depends !" I didn't listen . I just placed my cards when needed . "Just confess already . mon Dieu your slow .." I checked the time . 22:00 . "You think it's getting a bit late now ?" She looked up , "nah , I wanna stay awake anyways . It'll be fun !" She placed down another card . "This is boring ." I straightened my card deck and laid it with the prints on the back facing upwards .

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