Chapter 1- A day at college

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I yawn as I lean against the bus window, looking out at the surrounding fields. The sun is still rising as it looks like a perfect morning to be walking. But instead I'm stuck here on this bus on the way to my boring life at college."Scarlett" I remove my right airpod from my hair and dart my head up to see Abigail smiling at me. She slumps down into the seat next to me, throwing her bag on the floor in front of her. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I don't know Abigail, what do you think i'm doing?"

"Listening to ABBA again?"

"How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess I suppose" I let out a giggle and put my right airpod back in its case Abigail knows me so well. We have been friends since we were 6. It's a really weird story actually. I was walking through a field at the back of my house with my sister, Isabella, who was 11 at the time. We came across a girl who looked my age stuck in a tree. So me and Isabella helped her get down. We managed to get her down half an hour after finding her, I'd never seen her around before and she'd joined my class that week as the new girl. And I guessed we've bonded ever since. That might be because we are both weird and match each other's energy very well if I do say so myself, but I'll let you be the judge of that.

After some interesting coversations, we finally arrived at the most boring place on Earth, College. But, luckily for me, Abigail is in my first two lessons of the day so we can just talk for the majority of the lesson. During break,I was stuck third wheeling with Abigail and her boyfriend, Thomas. Everyone calls him Tom though.

After break I have English and Maths- the two most boring lessons in the world. But you wanna know what makes it worse? None of my friends are in either of them lessons, so I'll be alone for the next hour and 40 minutes. Yippee.

Instead of boring you with talking about lessons lets just skip to my favourite part of the school day; lunch. So, like normal, I met Abigail and Tom in the cafeteria. They were telling me all about what happened in Maths. I wish I was in their Maths, something funny always happens in there. It just isn't fair.

Anyways, after we'd all eaten, we decided to take a walk around the school. After an awkward silence, Tom started asking us about our upcoming dance competition. "Terryfing but enjoyable" is how Abigail describes it. She's not completely wrong. They are terrfying, but they're all about having a good time with friends. Although, if your competitive like my dance team then yes it does start to become competitive. Extremely competitive.

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