Chapter 2- Dance

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After college, me and Abigail stayed at my house and watched High School Musical to give us something to do before going to dance. We were singing soo loud it probably sounded like someone was getting murdered. No we can't sing at all, but that doesn't stop us from doing it.

On the way to dance, we stopped by Tesco to buy Mini eggs and an extra bottle of water each. What? We don't wanna dehydrate, do we? Anyways, when we got to dance we walked straight into the studio and started to get ready for contemporary. We only had to wait a few minutes until our friend Emily walked in late, as per usual.

Our dance teacher wants us to choreograph our own 16 beats for the end of the dance, however she wants us in groups with up to 4 people in them. So me, Abigail and Emily decided to do ours as a trio.

We wanted to add the 'T lift' at the end. And, of course, Abigail was the one being lifted. I mean, she is the shortest. I held her right arm and Emily held her left. After the lift, me and Emily stood with our arms up in a 'V' shape. Abigail did the same but with her arms down.

After dance Emily had gotten picked up by her dad, whilst me and Abigail walked home together. After saying goodbye to Abigail, I walked through the park with my AirPods in. As a joke, I asked Siri to help me find love.

Suddenly, my music stopped and someone else's music started playing.

"What the fuck?" I heard a male voice through my left AirPod.

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