Chapter 11- Love or hate

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(Back to Jacobs pov)

I got a message from Scar. My lips curled into a smile as I read it, *Hey, earlier was fun. Thanks for inviting me to your practice love.* Does this mean she doesn't hate me? I hope so. I thought about what I would text back. *It's fine. We should go out again soon.* This time, I didn't add love. Why? Because I don't want to seem desperate and besides soon I won't just be calling her love. Hopefully I'll get to call her mine.

My phone buzzed in my hand, allowing me to break away from my thoughts. *Yeah I agree. What do you think of going for a picnic tomorrow?* I sent the message and watched her bitmoji appear on the screen. She's typing. *That sounds good. What time though?* I thought for a moment then began pressing my fingers on the screen. *I was thinking we could go to the park at lunch time!* Her bitmoji popped up again. *That's fine, I'm gonna go to bed now so I'll text you in the morning. Bye Jay.* I read the message and smiled to myself. *Ok goodnight Scar, sleep well.* I put my phone down and started to get ready for bed.

The next morning, I woke up and went downstairs so I could have breakfast. "Morning." I gave my mom a hug before grabbing a bowl and cereal.

"Morning kiddo..." she look at me weirdly, "Why you smiling soo much?" She saw right through me.

"You know that girl I told you about? Well I'm seeing her today. We're going for a picnic in the park at lunch!" I told her whilst I grabbed the milk from the fridge. My voiced filled with excitement.

"That's cute. Have a good day then."

"Thanks mom." Finishing the conversation, I put the milk in the fridge and walked upstairs to get changed. I don't want to look like im trying to impress her but I also don't want to look like I dont care. So, I wore my grey shorts with a white top. To finish off my look, I wore my silver chain around my neck and my black ring on my finger.

On my way to the park, I stopped at the shop to buy Scarlett her Favourite flower; a rose. I also bought her a bar of chocolate so she can make chocolate covered strawberries whenever she wants to. She loves them, thanks to high school musical when Troy and Gabriella ate pizza and chocolate covered strawberries. Anyways, after buying her presents, I wanted to get to the park quickly- mainly because I was already late to meet her. My bad.

"Hey sorry I'm late. I stopped at the shop to buy you these." I handed her the bar of chocolate and the strawberries, "I hope you like them."

"Like them? Jay I love them, thank you so much!" She sounded happy. That's good. I sat on the blanket she was on, so I could give her a hug.  Tearing open the bar of chocolate, she lay it openly in the sun.

"What you doing?" I asked her confused. I thought she would eat the chocolate at home.

"My sister told me about this thing where you let the chocolate melt and then you dip the strawberries into it. So when I saw you had chocolate and strawberries, I though we could have them now." She explained it to me.

"Sounds nice." I picked up a strawberry and dipped it into the, now melted, dairy milk chocolate bar, "Yep, I was right. It's great." She let out a laugh "You think I'm funny?"

"No," She kept laughing "Definitely not." She put a chocolate covered strawberry into her mouth. "Oh you can have this back." She handed me the hoodie I gave her when she watched my hockey practise, "My mom washed it for you."

"Thanks, she didn't have to. I could've done it." I had to stop myself from smiling.

"No it's fine, she said she didn't mind at all." After we finished eating the picnic, we went for a walk around the park. I took her hand in mine, interlocking our fingers so people would know she's my girl. Even though she doesn't know it yet, she is.

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