CHAPTER 15 - Unfamiliar Surroundings

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I wake up in a surrounding I am unfamiliar with to see I am lying on the floor. It's dark here. There's a strong breeze thats howling through my ears. Nothing to be seen." "Lumos" I cast. My wand does not work. "Lumos" I try again, failing once more.

Where am I?

Suddenly, a light beams from the distance. I begin to walk towards the ray of light, treading, ever so lightly, fearful of what surrounds me. I hear voices. They're coming from before me. I swiftly stop, squinting my eyes in hopes it will help me see within the darkness. The voices are too distant. I am now sprinting to the light, I hear the noise of what sounds like leaves, crushing below my feet, every step I take. It sounds like the forrest. Perhaps the forbidden forrest? I recognise the scent of burning flames as I near closer to the light. As if all at once, my surroundings appear around me as I stand on the outskirts of a bandit camp I have not yet seen in my travels.

I crouch behind a tree, watching from a hidden distance as I see a group of dark wizards walking out from a tent.
"Where is the student?" A voice asks before them.
"We are yet to find her master. We believe she is spending more time within the castle. Given the school's defensive charms, we are unable to get to her." A dark wizard responds in a tone that reeks of fear.

I take a step forward in an attempt to see whom the wizards are talking to as the noise of crunching leaves ring through my ears. The wizards jolt, raising their wands as they turn towards me, clearly hearing the crisp noise created by my feet. I gasp, placing a hand over my mouth to quiet my breath. Keeping ever so still. I watch as the slowly lower their wands, turning back to the voice.
"We're trying, Master"
"Well try harder!" The voice shouts. "Find the girl and bring her to me. She will give us the answers we need. Even if it means we must torture them out of her."

I peak forward from behind the tree, ensuring not to move my feet amongst the leaves. I see a dark figure before the wizards, unable to make out any features on their face. I cannot see whom they are, nothing but a dark black cloack, hood covering any detail which could expose their identity to me. Suddenly, I am being dragged from behind. My hair being pulled as I grasp the hands holding it, trying to break free, kicking my feet in an attempt to stand and defend myself.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" I hear from behind me as I am slowly being dragged towards the group.
"Get off me!" I scream, continuing to kick as I dig my nails at the arm of the one holding me. I am thrown to the ground, smashing my cheek onto the dirt floor. I wince at the pain as I cup my cheek with my hand.

"Your ears must of been burning." the mysterious voice says. I look up, still unable to see the man despite him only being a small length away from me. I furrow my eyebrows and squint my eyes, trying to get a better look.
"You have something we want. Something we need." it says.
"What are you talking about?" I whisper, scared to spark a potential duel given my wand is out of action.
"You are a Keeper of a magic we wish to use for the good of wizard kind" it says, taking a step closer to me. "We want what is rightfully ours"
"You have the wrong person" I lie through my teeth as I ever so slowly pull myself off the ground. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I spit.
"Stupid child. If you wanted to do this the hard way, you should of said so" he laughs as he lifts his wand before me. I watch as the wizards laugh at my face.
"Avada Kedavra!" I shout, pointing my wand to the mysterious figure before me.


The figure laughs at me, earning a following laugh from the wizards.
"Who would of thought, a Keeper casting an unforgivable curse?" It says as it steps closer to me. "I seems you're familiar with dark magic". He lifts his wand. "Perhaps, you wont mind if i do this... CRUCIO!"

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