CHAPTER 21 - The Undercroft

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I lay in my room as I anxiously think about the events that have taken place these last few days. The events that took place last year. I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt as I recall the people lost along the way of my Hogwarts journey. I think of Professor Fig. How I would give anything to have him here to help me through the potential danger that awaits me.

I hear footsteps approaching the room. Not in the mood for anyone, I turn on my side and close my eyes, pretending to be fast asleep.
"Whittaker! Get up, I have exciting news!" I hear Imelda say from behind me. I ignore her and continue my acting. "I know youre awake dimwit!" She says, throwing a pillow at my legs.
"What do you want Imelda?" I snap.
"Woah. You're really not a morning person are you?" She laughs.
I sigh deeply, "I'm sorry. Im just exhausted. Its been an eventful week."
"An eventful week that's about to get even more eventful! Quidditch is back!" She cheers
"Thats exciting." I say bluntly
"Rosie. Youre trying out for the team. I hope you realise that."
"Imelda, with everything going on I-"
"Rosie! You underestimate yourself far too much. You can do anything you put your mind to."
I take in her words as I stare back at her as she is unaware of the enormity those words just meant to me. I take a deep breath before responding, "Fine. But classes are my priority. Do not expect me to be attending training every time. I can barely keep up with the workload as it is."
"Settle down, you're still yet to make the team" she smirks.
I pick up the pillow she threw at me, chucking it back at her as she laughs.
"Im only jesting! As CAPTAIN, your spot is already gauranteed. Take a look in the mirror because you'll be looking at Slytherin's new seeker" she says with a wink as she leaves the room.

I lay back on my bed, ready for the thoughts to consume me again, before I am abruptly interrupted by an object landing in my lap. I look down to see a letter and to see Bandit back on his post.
"Hey sweetness" I say, reaching for him and grazing my finger along his fur, petting his wing.

I open the letter and immediately recognise the handwritting. Sebastian. Despite the anxiety I am feeling, I cannot help but smile at the thought of him.

I am terribly sorry I did not follow you after you left the breakfast moments ago. I did not want to risk Imelda becoming suspicious. Little did I know I underestimated her ability to read situations. Luckily for us, Professor Black came in at a perfect time to announce the return of quidditch, though I'm sure you've already heard an earful about it from Imelda.
Ominis and I would like to meet with you in the undercroft tonight. We have something we want to discuss.
See you at 9pm.

Love, Sebastian"

I begin to anticipate the conversation that awaits me in the said undercroft. I sigh an exhausted breath of air, already overwhelmed with all that's taken place. And to think... it's only the first week.

The day flies through and it is finally the final minutes of my last class for the day. I sit, listening to Professor Ronen ramble on about some story I stopped listening to the moment it started. A moment that started 20 minutes ago might I add.

"Sir... I don't mean to be rude but..." Samantha Dale speaks in a nervous tone.
"Ah yes. It seems I am rambling aren't I. Apologies students. You sre dismissed. Dont forget, your homework is due next lesson. No excuses." He says as the hoard of students begin exiting the room.

I begin walking through the halls of the Astronomy Wing, on my way to the Undercroft. Once I arrive, I wave my wand at the clock, watching as the gears turn and the wooden door pops open. I head down and reach the gated door, spotting Ominis and Sebastian standing in the middle of the room, having some sort of debate. I stay still, eavesdropping om their conversation.
"What if she's in danger Ominis?" Sebastian frets.
"We don't know that for sure. As I've said before Sebastian, it's a rumour. Rumours are not always true."
"I cant lose her Ominis. I lost Anne. I even lost you for sometime. I will not allow her to be another soul I yearn for."
"Just wait to hear what she has to say before we jump to conclusions." Ominis reassures him.

I open the gated door, stepping inside. Sebastian immediately meets me halfway and engulfs me in a hug. Squeezing me in fear of letting go and losing me. He kisses my forehead.
"I've missed you" he whispers.
"I've missed you too Seb" I say as he smiles. Fear evident in his gaze.
"So. What do we need to discuss?" I say in an attempt to avoid the conversation I know is going to happen either way.
"These rumours Rosie. Are they true?" Ominis says, breaking the ice.
I sit on the floor, looking up at the two boys. Ominis leaning on one of the pillars attached from the roof, Sebastian pacing the room around us.
"Im not sure." I say, taking a deep breath. "I do have information however" I say, causing Sebastian to holt his movement and join me on the floor. Ominis follow as he hears the shuffling of Sebastians feet come to an end.

As the three of us sit cross legged infront of one another, I begin retelling them what I know as of yet. The dream. The boggart. The conversation with Professor Weasly. The entirety of the time, they sit and listen, not speaking a single word as they become shoulders to lean on with their actions.
"That's why you were scared to sleep" Sebastian says once I finish explaining.
"Yes. Im terrified of going back to that place. They could see me. They could hurt me. I don't understand how but they could." I say.
"Peculiar" Ominis states.
"I'm so sorry Rosie." Sebastian says as he reaches for my hand. He grasps it, giving it a squeeze.
"Well. What do we do now?" Ominis asks.

"We?" I say, confusion taking over.

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