CHAPTER 32 - Curfew Breaker

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I wait for Sebastian while he changes and once he is ready, we head to The Great Hall in search for Ominis. Once we reach the Slytherin table, our eyes scan the lengthy wooden furniture. Ominis is nowhere to be seen and an instant flush of anxiety takes over my soul.
"Sebastian I dont see him." I whisper, scared if I speak any louder I may break into a fit of panic.
"It's okay. Im sure he's somewhere here." He says back, rubbing my arm in an attempt to comfort me. I nod in response as we take our seats and begin eating. Nothing is said between the two of us as we eat our meals. I struggle to eat as I cannot refrain from wondering where the blonde boy could be. It's not like hom to skip breakfast. In fact, he always rants about how its "the most important meal of the day" so its extremely unusual that his presence is missing at this time.

As we continue to eat, Professor Black takes a stand at the owl alter and clears his throat.
"Attention please!" He speaks. The students become silent as all ears and eyes are focused on the man before them.
"Last night, we professors had spotted what seemed to be a student leaving the castle past curfew hours. We are unsure of who this student is as they were not in uniform HOWEVER... we need remind you ALL of the safety of each and every one of you and the importance of not exiting the castle grounds beyond the hours of curfew. Once we find out who this student is, disciplinary measures will take place unless, of course, the student wishes to present themselves to a professor prior to this discovery." He says. "You may continue your meals"

I look to Sebastian as he locks his eyes with my own. I gulp.
"You don't think..." I whisper.
"No. Surely not. He isn't stupid enough..." he whispers back as he looks down at his food.
"Sebastian... where in Merlins name is Ominis?" I say shakily.

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